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Posted 12-09-2009 at 10:16 AM by Mac Sirloin
I spent about an hour and a half shoveling the driveway, sidewalk and porch today. Easy 20 dollars.
It's weird, last year we got the first Snowstorm on October 23rd, and this year we got it on December 1st. Then nothing for about a week, and BOOM, huge that shitty, heavy and wet snow. I didn't have to go to co-op, though. I woke up at 8:25, and even if I'd left right then, I'dve been late. Normally being late wouldn't bother me, but my Co-op teacher has instigated a rule where if I show up after 8:30 I have to go home for the day. I think that is is fucking retarded. I expressed this to the Manager at my placement and she agreed. I understand that being late is typically avoidable, but that doesn't account for traffic and shit. What if the bridge is closed? Goddamn. Anyway, I'm debating on what I should spend this money on. |
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