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I am from Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany but currently live in Turku, Finland

They were lies!
But everything else you read here is true!

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Quarantine 2

Posted 04-15-2012 at 06:04 AM by JennyGenesis
Ok guys, I know this breaks the 5 blog posts rule, by my god, some extremely freaky just happened to me! and I think I need a bit of help.

I'm just sat here working on an assignment for University when suddenly I get a really weird taste in my mouth, suddenly I feel something building up in my mouth, so I went to the bathroom, spat in the sink and a massive load of blood shot out of my mouth, I spat a few more times but no blood came out.

What the hell is wrong with me! Should I be worried about this!?
Total Comments 18


Varrok's Avatar
Yes, that definitely is not normal. You should really visit a doctor
Posted 04-15-2012 at 06:21 AM by Varrok

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
You should post this blog on a Hospital's website so that they'll send an ambulance because that is NOT where blood should be spurting from on a day-to-day basis.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 07:28 AM by Mac Sirloin

STM's Avatar
Time to go and visit a doctor, something you learn from biology...probably common sense too: 'blood coming from mouth = bad'. Seriously, don't be putting it off or anything, go, soon as possible.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 08:12 AM by STM

Scraby's Avatar
That is not good,get to a doctor as soon as possible!
Posted 04-15-2012 at 09:06 AM by Scraby

Manco's Avatar
Nah, just ignore it. What could possibly go wrong???
Posted 04-15-2012 at 09:35 AM by Manco

Dynamithix's Avatar
To be honest, it's more stupid than anything to post about it here asking us if you should be worried about the fact that you spat a lot of blood. I mean really, get help, don't bother making a blog about it.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 11:33 AM by Dynamithix

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Well it hasn't happened since and I feel fine, and being it's a sunday, I can only get emergency help.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 01:50 PM by JennyGenesis

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Make an appointment tomorrow.

Doesn't matter if you feel better. Do it anyway.

I speak from experience.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 02:46 PM by Wings of Fire

MA's Avatar
could be something trivial, but you should get it looked at anyway.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 05:22 PM by MA

Mudokon_Master's Avatar
Did it hurt when you threw up?
Or did the blood just ... slide out? Either way, it sounds really bad. Take everyone's advice.

EDIT: Oh, and you might want to take a look at this.
Posted 04-15-2012 at 11:09 PM by Mudokon_Master
Updated 04-15-2012 at 11:13 PM by Mudokon_Master

JennyGenesis's Avatar
thanks for your concern, but there was no vomiting involved, I just spat in the sink and thats when the blood came out.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 12:49 AM by JennyGenesis

Mudokon_Master's Avatar
Oh, I misread it. The steps leading up to the spitting made it seem like it was vomit. Well I would have no clue. Definitely see a doctor though.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 01:37 AM by Mudokon_Master

Phylum's Avatar
It's probably nothing half as serious as some of these posts have made it sound. Don't stress about it or anything.

It is worth seeing a doctor asap, just in case.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 02:18 AM by Phylum

Wil's Avatar
I'll echo what Phylum has to say. Blood suddenly cascading out of your mouth just sometimes happens to people. More than likely it was a one-off event. Don't panic too much. Just make sure a doctor knows and can make certain nothing is seriously wrong.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 04:13 AM by Wil

Manco's Avatar
Blood suddenly cascading out of your mouth just sometimes happens to people.
Possibly the most terrifying thing I’ve read this month.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 07:44 AM by Manco

enchilado's Avatar
Blood suddenly cascading out of your mouth just sometimes happens to people
You just made me spit all over my monitor! I can barely see what I'm typing for the red smears.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 09:56 AM by enchilado

Wil's Avatar
Maybe it only happens to people I know. Which would make me the common factor.

Oh dear god no.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 11:23 AM by Wil

Nate's Avatar
I guess that would make you Doctor Manhattan.
Posted 04-16-2012 at 05:32 PM by Nate


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