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Waiting for inspiration...

Posted 05-31-2008 at 04:06 PM by ParasiteSklent
As I take a break from working on another Oddworld video (very ambitious for me, a huge medley with about 5 minutes worth of different songs), I'm sitting at the kitchen table at my dad's house, looking out at the woods. Actually, it's too small to be considered a forest, so I call it "mini-woods," but I'm rambling. My writer's block has been taking a huge toll on me, so I thought I'd find inspiration from the great outdoors. So far, the only thing I've thought of was printing out a SoulStorm Brew label and pasting it to my soda can. Har har.

Maybe it's hard to get inspiration from foliage because my main original story is set in the distant future, with very few forested areas. In fact, most stories I write never have much natural things to them at all... Makes me think of the everlasting fight between the Oddworld Natives and Industrialists. I can understand the need to modernize, but it comes with such a huge price, and the Glukkons & Vykkers are more than willing to pay it, as cruel as they are. Sorry about getting all philosophical, but when my mind wanders, I tend to do that.

Since almost every other thought that's been running through my mind for the last week has been Oddworld related, I'm thinking of taking a break on original stuff and working on something Oddworld-ish. I do NOT like writing fan fiction, though... Not unless I can have an interesting twist to it, while still being close to the source material. Alternate universe stories always appeal to me. Science fiction is also a hard genre for me to work with, so I'm trying to go with something easier... I'm thinking either crime drama, comedy, or both. The mix would of course be dark humor, which is my idea of humor anyway. I'll have to think about it some more. Until then, I'll continue to stare out the window and work on that video.

...Also, sorry about another blog so quickly. And the length. When I start writing, I have trouble stopping.
Total Comments 4


Leto's Avatar
Man, if you were hardcoar, you would've got the Soulstorm Brewery stickers that came with AE if you preordered it back in the day. I was so young I wasted them by putting them on ginger beer bottles.

problem with inspiration is, it doesn't come when you want it. distract yourself, do new things, don't think about it and something will come
Posted 06-01-2008 at 01:18 AM by Leto

ParasiteSklent's Avatar
Oh DAMN, I forgot that they had stickers. Back then, I was so poor, I probably wouldn't be able to afford them. Either that, or my mom wouldn't buy them for me. I was a very sad child. Wait, I'm still poor. Argh.
Posted 06-01-2008 at 05:30 AM by ParasiteSklent

scrab queen's Avatar
Being broke sucks. Anyway, I usually break writer's block by listening to music. Not the stuff I usually listen to. Something completely different. Like say, I wasn't really into metal, so I made a compromise. I started listening to Metroid Metal (since that happened to be one of my favorite VG series). Then I started having some awesome ideas. Unfortunately, my muse has ADD and i'm prone to procrastinate. Then that led me to some other obsessions and great music, resulting in kickass art. Including a custom soulstorm brew label.
Posted 06-01-2008 at 10:42 AM by scrab queen

Oddey's Avatar
I had this problem once. What did I do? Read a random book. In this case it was LTOR. After three pages I wanted to write.
Posted 06-01-2008 at 11:01 AM by Oddey


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