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Posted 06-15-2009 at 06:01 PM by Pilot
God I'm an IDIOT!

5:30pm, Today: I've been outside all day scraping and powerwashing the gunk off an engine I just bought to prep it for paint.

Tim calls. (For those who don't know, Tim is my 'friend' from the local radiator shop that I'm interested in.... we've reciprocated affections.) I pick up because I see him on my caller ID.

Me: Hello Tim
Him: Hello Justin.......
...what are you doing?
(This is where the IDIOT part is)
Me: Well, I'm powerwashing this motor I just got. I've been working on it pretty much all day. It's filthy.
Him: Oh. ..........well did you try that stuff I was talking about?
Me: The oven cleaner? Yeah, but I'm still having to scrape the grease off manually because that didn't even cut it.
Him: Ah... well I was just calling to say that I finished your truck radiator today..... so it's done. I just have to paint it and I'm going to be doing that tomorrow.
Me: Ah, fantastic!
Him: Yeah... so.......
Me: I'll um... I'll come by tomorrow and bother you.
Him: Sounds good.... well, I'll see you then!
Me: Yep, see you then!
Him:....have a good night...
Me: You too!

It wasn't till I hung up that it hit me like a ton of bricks. GAAAHHHHH!!!!! I FUCKING BLEW IT!!!!! Jesus, how stoopid can I be? GOD!

I don't want to just call him back .... shit.

I'm STILL banging my head on the table! Probably coulda gotten laid tonight instead of watching Simpsons and Family Guy reruns.

If I was smart, when he said 'what are you doing' all I needed to say is 'Nothing.'

Oh well. I'll go over there tomorrow and invite him over. That'll set things straight.
Total Comments 14


Nate's Avatar
Possibly poor choice of final sentence.
Posted 06-15-2009 at 06:10 PM by Nate

used:)'s Avatar
Ah, sounds just like a steampunk, gay romance novel.
Posted 06-15-2009 at 06:14 PM by used:)

Wil's Avatar
Maybe I’m just tired, but I don’t get it. You gave what away?

EDIT: Please disregard. The problem was evidently that I am too tired. Upon a further glance, I understand. Everything except why I thought ‘You gave what away?’ would be a valid question.
Posted 06-15-2009 at 06:15 PM by Wil

Pilot's Avatar
Nate: no kidding. My side of it was too 'casual'. It's just that I didn't "hear" what he was "saying."

....Gave what away?
Posted 06-15-2009 at 06:19 PM by Pilot

Leto's Avatar


Posted 06-15-2009 at 09:28 PM by Leto

Pilot's Avatar
Posted 06-15-2009 at 09:44 PM by Pilot

Nate's Avatar
I keep on rereading what you said to see if there's any way he could have interpreted it in an "I'm sooooo dirty. Won't you come over and help clean me?" sort of way. Unfortunately, you really buggered that one up beyond salvation.
Posted 06-15-2009 at 11:27 PM by Nate

used:)'s Avatar
Nate, I don't think you're helping.
Posted 06-16-2009 at 07:22 AM by used:)

Pilot's Avatar
Well.... earlier I had called him, because I needed a steamcleaner, to ask if he had a hot spray nozzle.... "I really need one bad" I said.

But yes you're right I fucked up. I'll set everything straight today though and drive the point home so there's no mistaking. He used to invite me over to his house nearly every day for an evening of TV and dinner (usually with the wife) so I'm going to offer him the same.

...except.... without the wife. Yes.
Posted 06-16-2009 at 08:07 AM by Pilot

OANST's Avatar
Fucking home wrecker.
Posted 06-16-2009 at 11:14 AM by OANST

OANST's Avatar
And yeah, being gay doesn't make it less shitty to be with a married man.
Posted 06-16-2009 at 11:15 AM by OANST

OddjobAbe's Avatar
If I were you, Pilot, I'd be having a real struggle with my conscience.

I demand that you change the blog title to "EEDIOT!" in homage to Ren & Stimpy.
Posted 06-16-2009 at 12:08 PM by OddjobAbe

Pilot's Avatar
And yeah, being gay doesn't make it less shitty to be with a married man.
So says a happily married one. Home wrecker? Who's the married gay?

I don't have a conflict is my conscience... at least any more. I found out I'm not the first and probably won't be the last. At first I was terribly conflicted, but then I figured out that the issue lies with him, not me. A fine line it remains, without a doubt and I'm just living for the moment.

Ah, to stand in another's shoes.
Posted 06-16-2009 at 02:25 PM by Pilot
Updated 06-16-2009 at 02:28 PM by Pilot

Pilot's Avatar
Oh yeah.... EEDIOT!
Posted 06-16-2009 at 02:28 PM by Pilot


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