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Galaga2(Project name. Game name being debated)

Posted 05-28-2009 at 07:54 PM by Venks
Another Game Document. These help me focus my thoughts and inspire me in multiple ways.

Game Name: Galaga2(Project name)
Group: Chris Dunson(Programmer: Background design/Enemy AI), Kenny Emrich(Programmer: Player movement/Player Weapons), and Ivan Gunn(Programmer: Menu builder/Score Display).
Date: 05/28/09

Game Concept
Galaga2: Galaga2 is a tribute to the retro fixed shooter arcade game. This game consists of the same horizontal only movement and you will find the first few enemies very similar to the original Galaga. The new enemies will be stronger, faster, and have unique attacks. In order to combat this the player's ship will be upgradable as you progress in the game. Though be wary if you lose your upgraded ship as you must then start again from scratch.

In the game you will be controlling a human pilot who was drafted into the Galactic War despite reluctance to fight. The Reptillian people from the planet Tokage have declared war on all of human kind. Accusing Earth's military of illegally seizing Tokage Fuel Tankers. Our Hero went on a special mission infiltrating the Tokage's top military base. There our hero found documentation proving Tokage's accusations false. Unfortunately as our hero was heading to inform the Galactic Alliance Tokage's military was informed of the infiltration. Now our hero must fight through countless Tokage ships to save Earth. With a family waiting at home our hero must give up everything for a chance to simply return home.

Feature Set
Engine upgrades: Allow for faster maneuvering and grant dodging abilities.

Shield upgrades: Allow your ship to take more then just one hit from enemies.

Three-Shot Upgrade: Allows you to have a total of 3 shots on screen at once.

Back-Shot Upgrade: Allows your ship to shoot backwards to destroy pursuers.

Explosive Canisters: You shoot canisters that travel slow, but destroy everything within their explosive radius.

Homing Missles: Attempt to track and destroy the nearest enemy.

Power-beam: Travels very fast, but requires a small amount of time to recharge.

Gravity-Beam: Creates a powerful gravitational pull that sucks in near by enemies and destroys them with powerful gravitational forces.

This game is a fixed shooter. Featuring diverse enemies and powerups.

Target Audience
This game is meant for the old school gamer who nostalgia over the golden days and for anyone who likes a good challenge.

Game Flow Summary
You start off with 3 lifes and enemies begin to form on the otherside of the screen. Once the enemies have formed up they will begin shooting at you and attempting to kamikaze into you. As you proceed through levels the enemies become more difficult and you have the opportunity to upgrade your ship.

Look and Feel
The graphics are meaningfully simple to recapture the retro look of 1980 games. With alternate weapon types and upgrades the game has its own unique feel.

The main objective is to make it pass every level and deliver the Tokage documents to the Galactic Alliance. With the secondary objective being to compete for the highest score.

The player can only move horizontally across the bottom of the screen.

Various weapons and items can be picked up to upgrade your ship.

The actions are kept simple. Shoot at the enemy to kill it.

Enemies move around in unique patterns and all use differing attacks. Fighting and living requires the player to dodge enemies and their projectiles while carefully aiming at mobile units.

Back Story
In the Pullus Lumina Galaxy a nice amount of its sentient inhabitants are technologically advanced enough to travel beyond the speed of light. While tensions were at first strong between the various sentient species peace was eventually found and the Galactic Alliance was formed. The purpose of the Galactic Alliance is to keep relations friendly between all alliance members and to help less technology advanced sentient species progress and join the Galactic Alliance.

Humans from the planet Bahaphist of the Aria System are the youngest members of the Galactic Alliance. The Galactic Alliance had discovered the humans a mere century ago and deemed them capable of making the transition from their current technology to Galactic Alliance tier. The humans of Bahaphist are having some trouble accepting new beliefs now that they have the power to travel the galaxy. Unfortunately the Reptillian people of Tokage don't view human kind highly and are quick to impede them in any way they can.

The Pallus Lumina Galaxy is a spiral galaxy located within the Gzihi supercluster. The Galactic Alliance is majorly comprised of species coming from the solar systems along the outer arms of the Pallus Lumina Galaxy.

Galaga2 takes place within the Tokage's solar system which consists of 7 planets, a yellow dwarf sun, many moons, and even more asteroids.

Hero- Since our hero's life began living has been tough. No one was ever willing to help out, not even the good side of the family. Our hero wasn't ready to start a family, but none the less formed one through lack of good judgment. Now our hero cares nothing more then doing good for the family. As if times weren't hard enough our hero gets drafted into the Galactic War. We can only hope our hero lives to return home one day.


Hmm. I need tips on writing story about a character whose gender is unknown. Also this project is being under taken with 3 programmers who have no artistic ability. Spriting is gonna be fun.
Total Comments 2


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Sounds good, but never, ever give Shmups a plot that isn't mindless bullshit.
Posted 05-28-2009 at 08:44 PM by Mac Sirloin

Chubfish's Avatar
I can sprite quite a bit
Posted 05-30-2009 at 06:15 AM by Chubfish


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