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Well then.

Posted 07-19-2011 at 02:15 PM by Dixanadu
I had got up today, when I spoke to my dad, he asked me, "What were you doing early this morning?"

Well, I was sleeping naturally.

My dad had his friend over then, he was about to go upstairs, when he had witnessed me in my half-nakedness, on my hands and knees, blindly rummaging for something. He shouted to turn the light on, but I ignored him.

My brother came out of his room next and witnessed the event. After ten minutes of silent rummaging, I stood up and went back to bed.

I have absolutely no memory of it, and pretty much laughed in amusement before my brother and my dad's friend confirmed the act.

Twas concluded it was sleep walking, which has never happened.

Am I sick?
Total Comments 15


Sekto Springs's Avatar
It happens.
I've been known to carry on full conversations with myself in my sleep. I've also sleep-walked to the toilet on several occasions, but had no memory of it the next morning.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 02:23 PM by Sekto Springs

JennyGenesis's Avatar
When I was around 10 I used to sleepwalk every night, my mum would actually purposely stay up just to keep an eye on me when I am sleep walking to make sure I don't hurt myself, most of the time it would consist of me going downstairs and having a conversation with her and then I would go back to bed, the best story she told me was when I was actually running a bath! in my sleep! my mum asked why I'm running a bath and my response was "I'm having eyedrops". She unplugged the bath, turned off the taps and put me back to bed. Very embarassing when she told me what happened the next morning but now I look back and chuckle.

One night I actually woke up screaming "MUM!!!! COME HERE QUICK!!!!!!" my mum rushed in half asleep wondering what the hell was happening but apparently I went straight back to sleep. I even remember the nightmare I was having that night, I got kidnapped and I was tied up to a pole, the pole was then placed under a volcano and then it started to erupt.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 02:28 PM by JennyGenesis

Ridg3's Avatar
I talk in my sleep constantly. It's as if I'm on the cusp of being in a sleep and being awake as people are able to have kind of coherent conversations with me until I go off on a tangent. Apparently, trains don't exist to me.

Other than that, sleep walking sounds cool, man, I just wish I was able to experience it in my life-time thus far.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 02:48 PM by Ridg3

JennyGenesis's Avatar
It's embarassing when somebody tells you that you were sleepwalking.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 02:53 PM by JennyGenesis

CrissCross's Avatar
apparently i never shut up when i sleep... am i sick
Posted 07-19-2011 at 03:20 PM by CrissCross

Havoc's Avatar
Apparently, according to my GF, I talk in my sleep. I'm waiting for the day I'm going to hump her in my sleep.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 04:00 PM by Havoc

STM's Avatar
I don't talk or anything, nothing weird. Oh except I make humping motions constantly. Like this weird shuffling movement for hours every night.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 04:06 PM by STM

T-nex's Avatar
Chris(sekto) talks in his sleep... Its really fun to have conversations with him when hes almost asleep, because he says some pretty crazy shit XD

The weirdest thing I've ever seen anyone do in their sleep was by Chris's friend.
I think he sort of either fell in a trance or sleep. I thought he was just talking with his eyes closed. But upon closer inspection he was in fact not really there. But he was talking constantly and really fast. Like... he kept talking, taking no pauses or breaths, and the stuff he was saying made NO sense at all. Not even one bit. So I stood there at looked at him in Shock as he kept telling this elaborate story that had no connection with itself.

We woke him up after a bit, but I dunno what he said.
Maybe Chris remembers.
Posted 07-19-2011 at 04:20 PM by T-nex

Alcar's Avatar
I don't talk in my sleep or sleep walk. I feel left out

Posted 07-20-2011 at 06:57 AM by Alcar

JennyGenesis's Avatar
Then dope up on sugar and video games and go to bed right after.

As soon as I started to take an hour break from computers and TV before going to bed my sleepwalking eventually stopped.
Posted 07-20-2011 at 07:22 AM by JennyGenesis

Dixanadu's Avatar
I had asked my dad this morning if there was a repeat of what happened.

There was not, to my relief.

I don't think talking in your sleep is that uncommon. Everyone in my house does it.

My friend Thompson says the weirdest shit when he's sleeping.
Posted 07-20-2011 at 01:51 PM by Dixanadu

T-nex's Avatar
I dont think I talk in my sleep.. if I do, its not that often. My mom does weird things in her sleep though...

My sister once randomly burst out "A happy little chinese!" in her sleep. I couldnt resist laughing.
Posted 07-20-2011 at 01:53 PM by T-nex

JennyGenesis's Avatar
I was sleeping at a friends house once and he said in his sleep "Kirsty which one of those cows are you talking to?" which was then followed by him shouting "THERES A SNIPER ON THE ROOF!" he didn't believe me the next morning when I told him about it.

The same friend stayed at my house once and in his sleep he said "Stephen can we have some ice cream?" I replied with "Jordon your sleep talking, shut up and go to sleep" he said "ok"

Again, he didn't believe me when I told him about it.
Posted 07-20-2011 at 03:15 PM by JennyGenesis

MA's Avatar
when i was a kid i used to mumble on about trains and shit according to my mother. i used to watch Thomas The Tank Engine a lot.

apparently when i was working down on the south coast, i followed my ex into the kitchen while stark bollock naked some time in the early morning, held my arm up to show the palm of my hand as if i was stopping traffic, and asked "are they coming?" she replied "who?" and i answered with a load of nonsensical questions.

she didn't know i sleepwalked until i did that, so at the time she thought i was pissed or just fucking about.
Posted 07-21-2011 at 10:42 AM by MA

Oddey's Avatar
No idea if I talk, or mumble, or walk about while sleeping. What I do know, is that I shuffle around endlessly, and once stole the person sleepng next to me's blanket. That was funny.
Posted 07-22-2011 at 01:58 PM by Oddey


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