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Time for something different.

Posted 09-12-2008 at 05:33 PM by Nemo
Yes, the mythical serious blog.

Living without school has been hell. It's reaffirmed my thought that it's impossible to bare school, while being equally impossible to live without it. I surf the internet for about five minutes, and then I'm bored. And I'm bored for the rest of the day.

Repeat process for three months.

I'm chronically tired, constantly trying to find something interesting, and unable to avoid cabin fever.

One could argue that I should just go outside and have fun with friends, but, currently, my only friend that I feel is worth visiting is 100 miles away, visiting his dad on his deathbed.

The only alternative I really have is WoW, but I can't stand to play that for more than a couple minutes, because all my friends are out at their jobs/school.

How much more of this can I stand?

How long until I'm driven to the point of insanity?
Total Comments 5


Leto's Avatar
get a job

start a project

chinese gold farm
Posted 09-12-2008 at 08:35 PM by Leto

used:)'s Avatar
Search for Bigfoot.
Posted 09-13-2008 at 01:09 AM by used:)

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Volunteer at an Animal Shelter or something, it fills up your time and has a ton of benefits.
Posted 09-13-2008 at 06:26 AM by Mac Sirloin

Abeguy's Avatar
Save the homeless, feed the orphans, donate your testes too prostate research
Posted 09-14-2008 at 02:07 PM by Abeguy

mitsur's Avatar
I know how you feel. But what I do is look for wrath beta updates and troll message boards I like to hang out at.

c wut i did thar?
Posted 09-14-2008 at 09:44 PM by mitsur


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