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What the hell is this?

Posted 12-03-2007 at 04:59 PM by metroixer
Okay so just recently (Like five minutes ago actually) I decided to see if any sites linked to my youtube videos. I dunno why, I just wanted to. Anyway I go to this vid right here:

Yes, I know it's pokemon, that was made like months ago. I stopped playing for now. Anyway I like at the links, and holy crap am I confused.

1 of the places links to an ITALIAN PORN SITE (It should be pretty obvious which one).

While I found 2 of them on a page where users posted the video and claimed it was THEIR OWN (The and or whatever the hell it's called).

The first two, I have no idea what relation they have, cause I couldn't find my video (Well neither did the italian place) but still WTF.

I'm afraid of putting in more vids now. Especially if people are just gonna steal them or put them in.... Questionable places. Maybe I should have expected the "Questionable places" but I never thought people would steal MY videos and claim them as their OWN.

Are they allowed to do this? Am I just being mad for nothing? I need people's thoughts here .
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Bullet Magnet's Avatar
How do you view who has linked to it?

EDIT: never mind. I have found it.
Posted 12-03-2007 at 07:13 PM by Bullet Magnet


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