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Airbrushes and eggs!

Posted 01-04-2011 at 09:22 AM by T-nex
Im so excited that I decided to make this pointless blog explaining why

I finally pulled myself together and ordered an Airbrush set with compressor and all!! Those are so expensive x_x
But it'll be worth it. Airbrushes can be so useful... Not only for painting but they can be used for many other things.

Oh and since I ordered it from the I decided to grab some cadbury eggs too... Ive been wanting to try those to see what the talk is about for so long, but I didn't have the occasion to order them(But together with a larger order, the postal fee seems to be less daunting or whatever.

Anyway I cant wait. Yey!
Total Comments 13


Wings of Fire's Avatar
I like the part about the eggs.
Posted 01-04-2011 at 10:49 AM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I love airbrush. Still trying to get the hang of mine.
So you finally sprung for one. How much did you pay? Were you able to find an affordable one? x_x
Posted 01-04-2011 at 11:03 AM by Sekto Springs

OANST's Avatar
What else can they be used for? Washing the car? Drying your hair?
Posted 01-04-2011 at 11:32 AM by OANST

T-nex's Avatar
They can be used for Make up, clothes, temporary tattoos... well anything along those lines.

I know it's all technically 'painting', but what I meant is that its useful for more than painting just on a canvas or painting motorbikes.

Oh, some people also favor it when they paint models and stuff

And I'm thinking It could be useful for scene-makeup in cases such as Chris's.. Chris, you should use yours for your scenes!!

anyway it was about 90£ but it was a bit extra because of the postal fee. So yea... Not totally economy wrecking. For the whole set it's actually pretty good.

I just hope its not one of those cases where you get what you pay for X_x, but reviews say that the compressor is quite good for its price.
Posted 01-04-2011 at 11:43 AM by T-nex

Sekto Springs's Avatar
And I'm thinking It could be useful for scene-makeup in cases such as Chris's.. Chris, you should use yours for your scenes!!
My scenes? You mean set painting? I already do. Sometimes.

I use it for my artwork primarily. My airbrush is a very compact Paasche, it's not very good for big work.
Posted 01-04-2011 at 12:10 PM by Sekto Springs

T-nex's Avatar
No but, it could do nice details in face paint and stuff. Or perhaps paint set-items and such.
Posted 01-04-2011 at 12:58 PM by T-nex

Pilot's Avatar
Posted 01-04-2011 at 01:21 PM by Pilot

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I love you Pilot.

Stay forever
Posted 01-04-2011 at 02:16 PM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
64 dollars for that!?
Just set your cellphone to vibrate and call yourself.
Posted 01-04-2011 at 02:45 PM by Sekto Springs

MA's Avatar
Posted 01-04-2011 at 05:21 PM by MA

Pilot's Avatar
THANK you.

That comedy gold got erased as I come to find out...
Posted 01-04-2011 at 06:19 PM by Pilot

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I'm not cheap. I'm "economic".

That comedy gold got erased as I come to find out...
Posted 01-04-2011 at 06:47 PM by Sekto Springs

Splat's Avatar
With its seven speeds the lucky couple will have hours of fun just trying to decide which they like best.

Cadbury's Creme Eggs are awesome, though usually only available at Easter, which I suppose stops you getting bored of them, keeps them a rare treat and adds to their mythos, ya know?

I bought loads last year, 'cus I found a shop selling them at a very good price; just kept going back every few days

(I don't know much about hairbrushes and countessas, so I'm sticking to what I know).
Clearly Pilot has no idea of the wonder that is the Creme Egg, and so must hide his misery at this fact through the medium of crude humour.
Posted 01-05-2011 at 05:56 PM by Splat


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