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My life

Posted 11-18-2012 at 12:12 AM by Phylum
After posting lots of crap lately I thought I'd give you all an update on my life that isn't about how much I hate everything. Things have been better in the last few months. I've been happier and because of that people have started liking me more.

Some of you may remember my blog post about that girl earlier in the year. That long and convoluted and ended in her telling me last Tuesday that nothing can happen with us because of the guy she dumped to date me. It turns out that despite leading me on for a few months and even going on a date with me she actually really liked him all along. In her defence there were a few weeks when she really wasn't sure about which one of us she wanted to chose (see the blog post), but on reflection I should have noticed what was going on weeks ago. More importantly she should have said something. I mean, fuck.

But, yeah. While I was nice and ignorantly happy for a few months from everything to do with that I got closer to some of my friends. I've been out a few times this term, which is really exciting. Even now that I'm not as happy it's too late. I've made a good impression on people and there's no turning back.

I've been feeling much better about my music lately, too. After my saxophone teacher told me that from my lips she wouldn't recommend for me to play flute and crushed my confidence I've since been appointed a role in the school orchestra along one other flute. I'm also second-in-command of the flute section in our Concert Band under one of the most freakishly talented flautists you could ever hear. My teacher has started complimenting my playing and I've been enjoying practising more. I've also recently started on my repertoire for next year, which includes pieces for Uni auditions.

I've been keeping busy with lots of performances. I was playing at the annual Government House Open Day today. Next Sunday I'm going to be playing for the Governor again at some other function. I've also done a few performances with The Adelaide Flute Ensemble and done a shittone of saxophone playing in the leadup to our school's Jazz Cabaret. This means that I'm really behind in all of my schoolwork.

I'm doing well in school despite having next to no free time. I've managed 100% in almost every Maths Studies (smart maths) test this semester. Specialist Maths (extended maths) is much harder, but I'm happy on a steady B for that. I'm struggling with the text analysis components of English and I'm currently avoiding writing a 1000 essay due tomorrow by typing this. Music is fun, but Composition in particular is really, really stressful. I have to finish my 3 minute piece and record it by next Friday, so I have to pray that my creative wells don't dry up before then. Week after next is exam week, too. I don't know how I'm going to find time for revision this week and I'm freaking out a bit about that.

So, yeah. I'm avoiding working and wasting time.
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Phylum's Avatar
Oh, one of the few Maths Studies I didn't get everything correct in the teacher still gave me 100% for. He didn't mark it as wrong very clearly, so he probably just messed up his final count.

I'm not going to say anything.
Posted 11-18-2012 at 12:20 AM by Phylum

dripik's Avatar
Sounds like a lot to do. I guess the best you can do is try not to see all this as a mass of tasks that you need to tackle at once. Prioritize, do them one by one. I have vivid memories of some semesters at university, where I had to write multiple, 6 to 10 page essays simultaneously, twice combined with the general process of thesis writing and submitting, which is often a creative and administrative nightmare.
Posted 11-18-2012 at 12:51 AM by dripik

Nate's Avatar
If a maths teacher screwed up adding up the results, he doesn't deserve to give you a bad mark.
Posted 11-18-2012 at 02:11 AM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
The alternative is that he just assumed I got it all right, in which case I'd hate to embarrass him.

But seriously, this guy is the best maths teacher I've ever had. We finished the course a week ahead of the rest of the classes and everyone is still managing good marks. That means that we get an extra week of exam revision.
Posted 11-18-2012 at 02:15 AM by Phylum

OddjobAbe's Avatar
God, I used to hate maths.

It's good that things seem to be picking up. But go and do your English work, you lazy bastard.
Posted 11-18-2012 at 03:02 AM by OddjobAbe

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Actually, you've got an excellent opportunity to foster a reputation for scrupulous honesty.

You have no idea how useful that will be down the line. Invest today, reap tomorrow.
Posted 11-18-2012 at 07:02 AM by Bullet Magnet


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