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Well that's just dandy, really. Just super.

Posted 05-11-2008 at 10:28 AM by Mac Sirloin
A friend of mine and I have been gradually coming up with comic book ideas, and obviously one of my characters uses the name Kastere. It's not self insertion, it's just a name I like.

So, Kastere: Originally a sidekick of 'The Englishman' (This greatest Super hero of all time in our canon) until it was found that TE was a HUGE communist supporter and he was more or less alienated by the masses and in turn went crazy and turned into a 'hate gas' that caused a bunch of important government officials to go crazy and cause roughly a hundred million deaths. Kastere was right beside the englishman when this happened, and was brought back by the gods who'd offered The Englishman omnipotence in order to stop him. Unfortunately he fails and dissappears for a few years only to come back with a new body and new abilities.

Kastere has an infinite digestive tract and can devour and compress any substance into anything else (Such as eating a planet and turning it into a puppy). He can stretch and morph his arms and legs into anything he chooses, he is indestructable, but can still be 'killed' until he regains concsiousness. KAstere also can shoot lasers out of his eyes. Red lasers. similar to Cyclops' but he can change it from 'Rips someone in half' to 'pushes someone back'.

At his peak strength, Kastere can eat a solar system and expand it into an entire universe and keep multiplying and dividing this into an infinite dynamo of with which he can mold our iniverse as he see's fit.

He cannot transcend into a higher being nor can he reproduce, but he is more or less immortal and CAN rip a hole in space time to travel to a dimension with gods.

No, we haven't made the setting the DC or Marvel universes, this is a place all on its own.

And Yes, I acknowledge just how much of a power fag I am, but all the villains and shit are equally if not more powerful.
Total Comments 4


Anonyman!'s Avatar
Eh, don't know about the lasers. Plus, does he actually have to orally consume the substance? Could be somewhat awkward. Good otherwise.
Posted 05-11-2008 at 11:48 AM by Anonyman!

Laser's Avatar
But...but...I like lasers

i like the idea Kastere
Posted 05-11-2008 at 12:47 PM by Laser

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Does this mean that he could eat brambles and crap pineapples?

I beg you to find a way to use this in the story.
Posted 05-11-2008 at 03:35 PM by Bullet Magnet

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Thing is-He doesn't CRAP OUT the stuff he makes. Like, he could if he was stuck at the bottom of the ocean and just drank a bunch of water then converted it into a bouyant gas that pulled him up. You would'nt want flatus coming out your mouth, right?

Also, I forgot to mention the isopods, He lives in an abandoned church in the slums with totally unstable grounds (hence why he hasn't been kicked out for housing) and under this are a series of tunnels that he has dedicated to Isopods of all shapes and sizes which he can order to do shit for him.

But yeah, a running gag will be how everyone thinks that he can simply eat bramble and other stuff like that wthout experiencing what anyone else does when they eat prickly flora.

We'll cvome up with some kind of science to explain how he eats planets and galaxies, etc..

I'm a nbit surprised, BM, given in the 'Super Powers' thread how you tried REAL EXPLANATIONing everything I figured you'd be all over this with your precious science.
Posted 05-11-2008 at 06:26 PM by Mac Sirloin


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