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Thinking of doing an Audiobook

Posted 06-29-2012 at 12:43 PM by STM
I have a vacant youtube channel and I was simply wondering whether or not to go through with this, I got some very positive feedback from a few internet friends but I'm not sure if I want to put my voice on the internet where people who know me might possibly see, also, there's no point if no one sees the videos.

Does anyone have some input, might it be worth trying? =)

- Thanks.

P.S. I am drunk, not a single spelling mistake. Didn't even have to retype it all. Eat my poop.
Total Comments 35


JennyGenesis's Avatar
I'm going to advise you once your sober up.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 12:50 PM by JennyGenesis

STM's Avatar
I'm plenty fucking sober, I'll punch anyone who says otherwise.

I just touched my nose with my finger. See.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 12:58 PM by STM

OANST's Avatar
I don't understand. Are you planning on creating a story that can be listened to on youtube, or are you planning to read a book on youtube?
Posted 06-29-2012 at 01:14 PM by OANST

JayDee's Avatar
I think you should read the bible.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 01:20 PM by JayDee

OANST's Avatar
If it's the latter, that's fucking stupid, and you shouldn't do it.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 01:35 PM by OANST

STM's Avatar
Shouldn't do it. Well it seems OANST is vehemently against it. I was thinking of reading classic fiction. Killer of dreams.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 02:08 PM by STM

Jordan's Avatar
You should read 50 Shades of Grey.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 02:24 PM by Jordan

mr.odd's Avatar
Get even more drunk and then read the bible.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 02:28 PM by mr.odd

OANST's Avatar
I mean, unless you do it in an interesting way. If you're doing it straight, it's a horrible idea. If you do it as a joke, and find a funny way to do it, that could be interesting.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 02:44 PM by OANST

mr.odd's Avatar
Also if you are doing an Audiobook, wouldn't a podcast be more appropriate than youtube? Just saying.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 02:52 PM by mr.odd

Phylum's Avatar
What happened to your last big scheme? Noone wants to listen to you read a book, only for you to get some new idea and stop halfway through.

Well, noone wants to listen to you read a book anyway, unless you have a voice like James Earl Jones.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 04:07 PM by Phylum

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Or Christopher Walken.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 04:36 PM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Well, noone wants to listen to you read a book anyway, unless you have a voice like James Earl Jones.
Also, book readings are gayness. If you're going to do something like that, you should do a radio drama. I recorded for a local one once and it was a lot of fun. I bet you could come up with an original story that wasn't awful that you could act out.

Bonus points if it has bees.
Posted 06-29-2012 at 07:23 PM by Sekto Springs

Ridg3's Avatar
Read horrible fan fiction. I know it's been done but I don't think I'd sit through an entire reading of Moby Dick with some English person reading it out. Or anyone else for that matter. Except Sylvester Stallone.
Posted 06-30-2012 at 03:29 AM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
Heh, I dunno, seems that people lazy people like to listen to audiobooks, turning pages must be too much effort. I've only ever heard one by Stephen Fry, I did like it, but it made me sleepy. Any way, I forgot I was getting braces today, I've been told I have a good speaking voice in the past, I got A*'s in all my oration at school, only A*'s I ever got actually, but right now I can't eat solid foods let alone put together long winded sentences.
Posted 06-30-2012 at 05:46 AM by STM

OANST's Avatar
I don't understand. You were thinking of doing it to be charitable? To lazy people? Does that seem worth doing to you?
Posted 06-30-2012 at 06:04 AM by OANST

STM's Avatar
Not so much charitable, for a few reasons, to see if anyone subscribed, to see if it was possible to get any success from something like that, because I get bored, etcetera.
Posted 06-30-2012 at 07:11 AM by STM

Ridg3's Avatar
Here's a better idea. Do webcam footage of you living in a box for a month, that'll be fun. And another site for live feed.
Posted 06-30-2012 at 07:32 AM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
How would I upload footage to Youtube?
Posted 06-30-2012 at 07:49 AM by STM

Ridg3's Avatar
Other people would be in the project, fool. How else would you be fed and watered? Who would distribute the daily task that decides if you are getting food or water? The box ain't that big either.
Posted 06-30-2012 at 07:53 AM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
There are a lot of people that would abuse the power of being the only person to water and feed me. Also where would I shit?
Posted 06-30-2012 at 08:00 AM by STM

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Posted 06-30-2012 at 08:44 AM by Sekto Springs

Phylum's Avatar
If you're going to be in a box for a month you'd better start thinking about these things.
Posted 06-30-2012 at 03:55 PM by Phylum

MA's Avatar
well i'm bored with this now. come up with another crayzee plan and this time next year we'll be millionaires ololllololll
Posted 06-30-2012 at 05:25 PM by MA

Ridg3's Avatar
We'll steal MA's sperm and create super-farmers that can't think with help from BM's genetic engineering work. We'll sell them to people as free labor.
Posted 07-01-2012 at 12:11 AM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
Pssh, I'm nothing if not for my crazy unfinished plans, MA. At least I did the forum theme in the end though.

And Ridg, you crazy? Lots of MA's running around, drinking our beer and complaining all up in here? It'd be the end of civilisation as we know it.
Posted 07-01-2012 at 01:21 AM by STM

Ridg3's Avatar
They can't think and are only programmed to work in the fields. S'all good.
Posted 07-01-2012 at 01:30 AM by Ridg3

MeechMunchie's Avatar
They can't think and are only programmed to work in the fields. S'all good.
I thought you said we were going genetically alter them from the original?
Posted 07-01-2012 at 02:07 AM by MeechMunchie

Ridg3's Avatar
I suppose we could remove their swear and beer gene. That is the essence of MA.
Posted 07-01-2012 at 04:09 AM by Ridg3

MA's Avatar
you dicks wouldn't be able to get close enough to my grizzled bollocks. they glow. it's all the hate swimming around in there.

my sperm have fists.
Posted 07-01-2012 at 12:55 PM by MA


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