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Do you believe in conspiracies?

Posted 11-22-2009 at 07:17 AM by T-nex
Just wondering... I often hear about alternative explanations to things that we've been learning since childhood. Most people dismiss these theories as 'crazy conspiracy theories'... but sometimes I wonder. I'm sure there's a lot going on that a lot of 'powerful' people want to keep away from the public...

I just don't get why a lot of people always call conspiracy theorists crazy, when they could in fact have vital information their hands that could change everything.
Total Comments 23


shaman's Avatar
I wouldn't be at all supprised to see the EU revealed as a conspiracy of some kind.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 07:53 AM by shaman

T-nex's Avatar
Well.. EU recently got a president...No voting.. It all happened behind closed doors.

My dad theorizes that the world is going towards a global government dictatorship o_O .. Meh.. I dunno though.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 07:56 AM by T-nex

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I've said it before, and I'll say it again, a unified government, even under a dictatorship, may not be a bad thing.

Actually I've never said that before.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 08:01 AM by Mac Sirloin

T-nex's Avatar
Anything with too much power is bad in my book x_x
Posted 11-22-2009 at 08:10 AM by T-nex

Wil's Avatar
Yeah, a unified global governemnt would be evil. But it would build a lot of roads.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 08:12 AM by Wil

shaman's Avatar
How the EU justifies it's existence without so much as asking the people is beyond me.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 08:13 AM by shaman

used:)'s Avatar
Meh, as long as I can still get my porn.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 09:58 AM by used:)

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I believe in conspiracies only by definition. In which I mean, yes I believe in conspiracies because I know they exist.

Now, do I believe any specific conspiracy theories? No, not really.
Even if they're true, I refuse to believe anything without sufficient evidence. Sufficient evidence, however, sort of removes the mysterioso element to a conspiracy, which makes up most of it's momentum. I think alot of people like to believe in "government cover-ups" and things for a variety of reasons. Some may get a bit of a power complex thinking they know something "the government does want them to". Some simply like the thrill of being involved in some mysterious regime.

Is there depraved shit going on behind closed doors that the public doesn't know about? Of course. There would have to be. Tons of the things the government does would scare the hell out of the public, but they are things they've been doing for a long time and are probably necessary (though that may be giving them too much credit). Do I know what these things are? No. Do I presume to know? No. Am I 100% sure they're actually going on? No.

There are lots of colorful theories out there that are fun to believe, like Santa Claus.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 11:26 AM by Sekto Springs

T-nex's Avatar
Chris... I pretty much disagree on everything there... It's the general attitude to have towards conspiracies, and it may be what will be our downfall.
Government is doing things wrong, that we know are wrong... We already know about things that are bad, that still happen on the side of the law, yet people have this laid back attitude towards it... Which is what makes everything worse.

When I speak of conspiracies, I don't speak of the idealistic, mysterious theory that for some reason you don't see as a conspiracy the minute it's revealed. Ok, so it's not a conspiracy anymore according to you... Does that mean we should pretend it never happened? That it doesn't exist?

I think what's best to do is leave the laid back attitude at home, and actually investigate things... See what the sources are, and if possible, make one own's research.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 11:53 AM by T-nex

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I didn't say you shouldn't do something about it if the information you have is solid. Inaction is an irresponsible thing. But the key word is "solid". I'm not going to become part of some political protest or believe in anything that isn't well-founded.

Conspiracy theorists are generally only considered to be "crazy" because they rarely back up their claim with evidence. They rant and rave with tons of hearsay, telling the rest of us how blind we are to the truth without actually giving us anything useful to go on.

Michael Moore has merit, he exposes the sleaziness of the government, and he does so with hardcore investigation, video and audio evidence, statistics, and documented proof. He is by no means considered a "conspiracy theorist", because he knows that the only way to get the public to pay attention to something the government may be doing behind our backs is to make it available via mainstream media and actually back up his evidence. That's the difference between Michael Moore, who exposes government conspiracies, and the people who post muddled, unsubstantiated theories and opinions on a geocities-hosted webpage.

Are you saying we should give conspiracy theorists a chance just because they might be right?
If they have a conspiracy theory, and they want people to listen, they need to substantiate their claims with evidence, or at the very least, direct us to the original source of this theory so we can make a decision for ourselves as opposed to blindly believing in things because they sound "cool" or "mysterious".

I refuse to believe in something without sufficient evidence, which is what I said earlier, and I think that's a pretty sound and reasonable way of thinking. This is what separates logical thinkers from those who blindly accept things like faith.

It really boils down to the stupidity being on the conspiracy theorists part on not on those who refuse to listen. If you go about it presenting something correctly, people will listen. It's not a matter of "He's right and everyone else is just in denial or lazy", its more a matter of "If he is right, he's doing a terrible job of convincing me".
Posted 11-22-2009 at 12:14 PM by Sekto Springs

T-nex's Avatar
Meh.. I think any theory, that's not blatantly/obviously wrong, is worth looking in to.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 12:17 PM by T-nex

used:)'s Avatar
I would do research about these kinds of things, but I'm worried that any resources have already been tampered with and will just lead me in the wrong direction.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 12:39 PM by used:)

Sekto Springs's Avatar
That's another thing one must consider.
The government can and will tamper with information to keep things hidden. This is the ultimate setback for conspiracy theorists who know the truth and have no way of showing it to people.

Poor guys, I feel for them. Because of this, it's impossible to sort out the crackpots from the ones who actually know the truth, and the truth has simply been since swept under the rug.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 01:09 PM by Sekto Springs

T-nex's Avatar
there are things such as videos, taken with bad cams.. that are hard to temper with.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 01:44 PM by T-nex

Wil's Avatar
*moves entire discussion to a thread, where it should be*

*oh no wait*

*vB is shit*
Posted 11-22-2009 at 02:19 PM by Wil

T-nex's Avatar
I dont think it's necessary to make it into a thread >_< Just meant it to me a small blog-blurt... Also my discussion-threads are usually not really successful.. The last one got spammed
Posted 11-22-2009 at 02:30 PM by T-nex

Nate's Avatar
That's another thing one must consider.
The government can and will tamper with information to keep things hidden. This is the ultimate setback for conspiracy theorists who know the truth and have no way of showing it to people.
And yet, if the government were capable of tampering with evidence and were prepared to kill to protect the conspiracy, where do the nutters get their wishy-washy evidence and why are they still alive?

I think the people who peddle conspiracy theories either have an ulterior motive (eg American Republicans who try to claim that Obama is trying to turn the USA in to a Communist state, Hitler claiming that Jews run all the world's banks), the conspiracy fits in with their worldview (eg rabid leftists claiming that 9/11 was a government conspiracy) or is psychologically convenient (eg Israeli settlers claiming that Yitzchak Rabin was killed by the Mossad rather than one of their own).

Doesn't mean there are no conspiracies. I just think that if there are true conspiracies, they're hidden a lot better than the ones that we hear about.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 03:38 PM by Nate

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
The thing about conspiracies is that there is no way to disprove them. Any evidence you might have against a conspiracy was "planted by the government" or whatever. If you are saying something that is not specific enough to be discredited by anything at all, then you are not saying anything at all. Conspiracy theories amount to nothing more than nonsense.

And I know this: secrets do not remain secrets for long. The bigger they are, the sooner they come out. The bigger they are, the more people are involved, the more places there are for information to leak. And with every country's information industries working against each other, coupled with the general incompetence of people and the organisations they compose, it's a wonder anything stays secret at all.
Posted 11-22-2009 at 04:09 PM by Bullet Magnet

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Posted 11-23-2009 at 12:15 AM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Posted 11-23-2009 at 12:26 AM by Wings of Fire

T-nex's Avatar
I actually like it.. And it seems rather true. x_X
Posted 11-23-2009 at 04:41 AM by T-nex

OANST's Avatar
This should have been a thread.
Posted 11-23-2009 at 07:31 AM by OANST

T-nex's Avatar
Such is life....
Posted 11-23-2009 at 08:01 AM by T-nex


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