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Fuck other people's lives.

Posted 08-13-2008 at 01:52 PM by used:)
Okay, so as some of you know, I'm in marching band, and this year they've started a new tradition of holding a competetion where all the different sections of the band get to design and perform a little show of their own. We're a pretty small band, so some sections had to combine with others. There are five people in my section, the low brass, and by adding the trumpets and saxophones, we managed to get the number up to twelve.

My friend and I made the decision to do Tetris for our show. I had been stringing together the Russian folk tune used it in, and we thought it would be a pretty cool idea. We agreed that he would arrange the music and I would write the drill (the pictures and formations the band makes). I was really glad we ended up having twelve people, that way, we could have three tetrominoes. So I put the four saxophones into one shape, four trumpets in the other, and then the low brass with one remaining trumpet into the last shape. I let everyone choose what shapes they wanted to be or I chose for them if they didn't care. I wanted it to kind of look like a game of Tetris, so I had the three shapes march down the field one after another, do a rotation or two, flank (change direciton at a 90 degree angle) a couple of times, and land on the bottom of the "screen." Once the three shapes were congruent to eachother, they would form into a line and do a press (boldy march towards the audience in a unified formation), then half of them would get in front of the person next to them and form a block, and then finally rotate one last time.

So, I guess you could say there's some pretty "creative" kids in the band too. One of the saxophone players and best friend of the person I was collaborating with is a pretty creative kid. He's started various projects over time, though none have ever reached completetion as far as I know. He called my idea the dumbest shit he had ever seen and thought that we should be using a drill program to write it and not simply tell the people what to do. He went on to say that he had seen human Tetris before (who hasn't?) and said that we would need many more people to pull it off. Well of course we need more fucking people, but we're lucky enough to get twelve. No one is going to do anything spectacular with twelve or less people. The sheer idea of us being able to pull off what I had in mind would be more than enough awesomeness for this competetion. Even so, by the competetion's standards, it's not supposed to be a long show (48 counts is required but if the show needs more time, a little more will be granted). However, he managed to convince a few others that a drill program is absolutely necessary.

What really pisses me off is that he decided to stage his little coup d’état after we had started production. I could tell not everyone in the group was pleased at my idea at first, but they swallowed thier pride and accepted that it was my decision to make and that for the sake of the greater good that people be cooperative. Hell, they even left it up to me to decide what the theme should be, ultimately. I know this is easier for me to say since I'm the one pulling the levers, but I have shoved aside my personal opinions in situations like this in the past when I was not in charge and I would gladly do it again here.

We decided to change the drill into something more conventional so everyone would be cooperative.

I know I'm probably getting too upset for something as insignificant as this competetion, but it always pisses me off when someone shoots down another's idea without taking it into perspective. I don't mean in the sense that everything has its own "beauty," but in the sense of what is appropriate to the conext of what is going on. We don't have much time to work on this, so a decision had to be made quickly. We were even ahead of the other groups. I guess there's two kinds of evil in things like this: the apathetic who laugh at those who see things as opportunities rather than trivial pursuits, and then the opportunists who are too caught up in their own opinions to cooperate with others.
Total Comments 11


alf's brother's mate's Avatar
Tell your "friend" that he is a Nobtarded gypsy who doesn't know anything about music and formational value.
I think it's a great idea used, and you should ne allowed to do that regardless of some titfaced twat who wants to try and shoot you down to make himself look bigger.
It's the lowest form of bullying, pointlessly patronising someone to make himself feel better about himself.
It really tells you something about his character if he has to go to the reaches of shooting down such a fantasic idea to make himself happier.
I really would like to know this guys "awesome" idea...
As you said Used, you don't have much time to work on this so what better way to take advantage of the time you DO have than to come up with such a fantasic idea as this.
I play Alto sax you see, and i was once in charge of a group and my fellow players did a really similar thing.
Perhaps speak to your composer about it.

I hope my post was of help.

Posted 08-14-2008 at 01:00 AM by alf's brother's mate

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Tell your "friend" that he is a Nobtarded gypsy who doesn't know anything about music and formational value.
Casual biggotry is the lowest form of insulting, why not call him a gay nigger and have it over with?
Posted 08-14-2008 at 01:12 AM by Wings of Fire

alf's brother's mate's Avatar
Because that is derogatary and racsist.

I am neither.

Posted 08-14-2008 at 01:14 AM by alf's brother's mate

used:)'s Avatar
Thanks ABM. I'm planning on talking to the guy who's arranging the music. I don't see why we should even do Tetris if there's nothing "Tetrisy" about the visuals. I know it's a fine tune, but it would look lacking if we didn't try to include elements of the game. I'm going to wait until my friend is done arranging the music to design the drill.
Posted 08-14-2008 at 04:24 AM by used:)

alf's brother's mate's Avatar
Well that sounds like a good enough idea to me.

I hope it all pans out well in the end for you, Used.

Posted 08-14-2008 at 04:37 AM by alf's brother's mate

Wil's Avatar
Korobeiniki! Love it! Love your ideas. Part of me wishes we did fun stuff like this in our school bands, but then I realize that I would have hated it. All the same, your disparaging comrade sounds like a jerk. Frankly, I would expect nothing less from a sax player.

Because that is derogatary and racsist.

I am neither.
Saying that right after a horrid insult to the Roma people is pretty rich. Bravo.
Posted 08-14-2008 at 04:24 PM by Wil

used:)'s Avatar

Umm, are Roma comparable to the American Indians over here?
Posted 08-14-2008 at 06:32 PM by used:)

alf's brother's mate's Avatar
No way hosê!

Dammit Max i'm a sax player and i don't go about ruining peoples ideas!

Posted 08-15-2008 at 06:49 AM by alf's brother's mate

Wil's Avatar
What do you mean by ‘comparable’?
Posted 08-15-2008 at 04:16 PM by Wil

used:)'s Avatar
Like...does a similar controversy follow the Roma in Europe as the one that follows Native Americans in America?
Posted 08-15-2008 at 06:33 PM by used:)

Wil's Avatar
I don’t really know, I’m not intimately familiar with the traditions and oppressions of either. It’s the same kind of thing: prejudice against them dictating where they can and can’t live and travel.
Posted 08-17-2008 at 10:35 AM by Wil


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