I just handed in my dissertation
Since the start of the year I've been doing pretty cutting edge research to see what degree artificially fucking with pupil sizes (non intrusively, making participants do tests wearing glasses with pinhole size lenses) can emulate the effects of the degredation of the visual system (of old people) in young participants.
Testing was a lot of fun. I got to play around with equipment worth thousands of pounds, learn how to read brain imaging data, how to work in a lab team and other things.
The write up was a nightmare. In the last five weeks I've lost half a stone or more in weight. I've been working over nine hours a day every day well into the early morning to get stuff together. For the last couple of weeks that moved up to twelve hours, and I was so exhausted a couple of days ago that I collapsed in the library out of sleep deprivation, overworking and general malnutrition. It was pretty fucking rough.
I did it. It clocks in at just above eight thousand words with twenty two graphs, twelve tables and thirty pages. Printing and binding alone cost me a staggering £20 altogether and I had to do an all nighter last night just to ensure I didn't sleep through the deadline (12 noon today) out of exhaustion.
So yeah, that's my final piece of work in university done and unless I do a Masters and doctorate later in life (Which for the record I'm fully planning on doing) the last paper I might ever have to hand in. I'm thoroughly proud of myself for this and hope I get an A to offset my awful awful stats mark last year.
Also it took me ten weeks to learn to spell and say my advisor's name properly. He's a huge jerk and a perfectionist but he's generally right about stuff. Exactly what a lazy bum like me needed.
I am soooooo tired right now