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Back from the boonies.

Posted 12-27-2007 at 02:49 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 12-29-2007 at 12:41 PM by Mac Sirloin
Off to my friend James' for further winter excursions.

Edit: Back, we found this canister covered in ducktape in James' fridge.

He didn't know who it belonged to, so we just left it on his nightstand when we went to sleep.
We woke up at around 11:00 PM (James and I had been planning on going to a party down the street) and found all the duct tape on it was off-ripped off, James and I think it was his cat which is a fucking demon.
It looks a lot bigger in the picture than it actually is, which is slightly smaller than a water bottle.Photobucket

Anyway, when we get the thing open we can't see in it-even when we shine a flashlight right in.
WE left it at his house and went to this party.

Once there, James immediately struck up a conversation with some girls and I went looking for somethiung to drink, preferrably something that came in a jug with three X's on the side.

Much later, James and I stumble across the canister in the peoples front yard.
Curious, we bring it inside and show people how no light can get in and some guy freaks out, telling us to get rid of it.
We ignore him and go back to James' house for more sleep.
I ask him why it's here and he says that we probably bought it with us without knowing and it fell off when we pulled up (we came to the party-house on his ATV.)

Mid ride home, I open the canister.

Out spill these two pills, right in my hand.
James, less drunk than me, examines one and pops it in his mouth.
I tried to ask what he did that for and he shoved the other in my face saying 'it;s a coffee bean, this thing is a coffee jug' while pointing at the canister.

It was a coffee bean, actually, or at least tasted like one.
I figure it will keep me awak and prevent me from falling off the side of the ATV.

It was a drug.
I didn;t realize until I started over examining things, I saw a single shoe oin the side of the road and things like that.

nothing happened the next day, but james told me to take to case, he didn;t want to get caught with something that looked that suspicious.

I got home late yesterday after noon and slept amost all day.,
I can't stop noticing things, how my sister is always smoking pot and drinking, even though I just joked that she did, and how I will never see any of you in real life.

anywaym, I am tired again good fucking day
Total Comments 5


Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
I don't admit.
Posted 12-27-2007 at 06:12 PM by Alf Shall Rise

Hobo's Avatar
Come to London, see me in real life
Posted 01-01-2008 at 01:50 PM by Hobo

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
This whole thing was totally stolen from John Dies At The End.

Actually, If I get a Job soon that might happen, Hobo, I can get a lower-class seat for a solid 500$.
Posted 01-01-2008 at 03:57 PM by Mac Sirloin

Hobo's Avatar
I was expecting a fresh prince.

You won.
Posted 01-02-2008 at 03:18 PM by Hobo

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I've been tempted to do that alot, and actually done it to some friends and family, usually I use some really messed thing to get their attention.
Posted 01-02-2008 at 04:03 PM by Mac Sirloin


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