Every year an article like this appears in the news:
It's like we hadn't seen snow before or something! I mean it's winter - Doesn't the weather normally do this sort of thing around this time of year? Sure, some parts up north have -12 C but in most places it's only as low as -1 C and not at all unusual.
I mean I can understand news coverage of the cold snap over central Europe right now since temperatures there are a lot lower than they should be in parts, but I'm fed up of us Brits living up to our stereotype every time we get a tiny bit of snow.
It's like here, one snowflake hits the ground and everyone is all "OMG, SNOW! STOP EVERYTHING!" and our infrastructure stops working. Yet in Europe during a normal winter, the same amount of snow hits the ground and barely anyone bats an eyelid while everything carries on as normal.
The hell is wrong with us? And why has it always been that way?