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SEE! Marvak's deathly stare pierce your heart!
HEAR! Her short temper in effect from miles away!
FEEL! The burning caress of her shoe across your soft flesh!
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Mental breakdowns ftl.

Posted 09-17-2007 at 02:03 AM by Marvak




*huff* *pant*
Okay. *pant* I-I think I can ex... explain why.
So this person at school right. From my school. You wouldn't know him. Let's call him LJ. He acts like a homosexual, right. So he's adept at using the feminine mess-with-your-mind tricks. He's loathed me ever since we first met, the first day of highschool I think it was. For the life of me I couldn't understand why.
*cough* A-anyway.
I also like another guy there. Also goes to that school. We'll say he's called MH.
Well, it's been... apparent to the other members of the gang I hang out with at school that I like MH (except for MH himself, of course). Now these other members are cool, they'll politely ignore the signs just like I want them to, one even asked me if I liked him, I said yes (reluctantly), and they never spoke of it again to anyone.
But LJ, for some reason or another he seemed inclined to let the entire world know, even MH himself. Now I have no idea what MH's reaction was when LJ gleefully endowed him the knowledge, as I was concentrating every fibre of my body to ignoring the event. But LJ, he hasn't stopped there, oh no.
He's been there, every single day since then, every sentence being either 'Will you go out with MH' or 'Why do you hate me'. He's taken to persistently poking me painfully in the back whenever I try turning my back, and repeating the questions over and over again.

So yeah, today I snapped.

I'm not the type of girl who cries at the drop of a hat. I've been taught since childhood to hide my emotions, and I've gotten extremely good at that from 15 years of practice.
But fuck, did I cry today.
Total Comments 16


Alcar's Avatar
I take my anger out on booze - and then I ring the SOBs while drunk so I don't remember what happened the next day, nor feel guilty for whatever I've said or whoever I've blackmailed.

It's genius.

Posted 09-17-2007 at 02:37 AM by Alcar

Marvak's Avatar
That'd be the best, if only I was 3 years older so I could legally buy some Apple Pie Vodka.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 03:06 AM by Marvak

Alcar's Avatar
What! I was boozing well before 15! The trick is to pay the right people

Posted 09-17-2007 at 03:08 AM by Alcar

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
What the fuck, Marvak? Punch that Metrosexual piece of shit in the gonads, as I heard you did suggest folding paper with them previously.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 04:02 AM by Mac Sirloin

Alcar's Avatar
Exactly. You realise after you leave school that you should have beat up people. You're under 18, there's very little they can do but suspend you from school.

If I could go back, I'd bash the crap out of a few choice people. Mwhahahaha.

Posted 09-17-2007 at 04:16 AM by Alcar

Marvak's Avatar
If only it were that easy. I seem to have a chronic irrational fear of my own anger. Hence the crying rather than the supposed sack-whacking. I just get angrier on the inside whenever I cry, too, at myself. I hate it when I cry. Crying is for whimps.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 04:39 AM by Marvak

Chubfish's Avatar
Crying is indeed whimpy
Posted 09-17-2007 at 08:21 AM by Chubfish

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Doy uo know this guys email address? I can bring a cataclysm of hellfire and immpeccable grammar from lots of people onto his hardrive.

Posted 09-17-2007 at 10:42 AM by Mac Sirloin

Venks's Avatar
Awww. My poor Sparky.
I'm always here for you Sparky. You know that right?
I remember when he told Fang that you liked him. But he's still messing with you?
I'm glad you didn't do anything bad. Getting in trouble at school or drinking isn't the solution. He isn't worth it.
Confidence Sparky. Confidence. You are a beautiful women with much potential. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
"LJ" is a nobody. Don't let a nobody effect your life.

Also it's okay to cry. It doesn't make you weak. It makes you stronger. When all those emotions are bottled up you need to release them. Otherwise they will become worse and force their way out at an inappropriate moment.

I hope to talk to you soon Sparky. I'm always here for you.
Ug maybe I just seem like a dork caring for you but I can't help it.
I'm upset myself right now becuase I detest you being upset.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 12:13 PM by Venks

Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
Well I praise and agree with Venks...Sucks to be you, I've also cried from people being screwy to me at school before.....You could try telling teachers about him picking on you, but I have little faith in them nowadays..... So called anti bullying polices....
Posted 09-17-2007 at 12:35 PM by Zozo the Zrilufet

Marvak's Avatar
Hehe, thanks guys... I know LJ is a nobody. But he's a damn persitent nobody, and he don't stop.
@ Kastere: I'm one of those people who like to fight personal battles alone... but what the hell.
It's a.taste.of.luke.x [at] hotmail [dot] com. A damn slutty email, if you ask me, but eh.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 02:24 PM by Marvak

Alf Shall Rise's Avatar
A.taste.of.luke.x? It's not me. I swear.

He should go on MSN. I'd talk to him.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 03:32 PM by Alf Shall Rise

scrab queen's Avatar

Don't worry. I get the same shit for having an ass hanging off the end of my name (it actually ends in 'butt'. not kidding).

First I would go anti-human for about a week. Then I'd start watching kung-foo movies and studying fight tactics. Then i'd get out my old kick-ass revenge daggar, do some cool moves with it on camera, and then splice a space suit onto it.
Then I'd do a whole bunch of fics that all have to do with depressing stuff, and i'd work on my 'don't you dare fuck with me. i'll make your furby kill you with your mom's bowels while you sleep' look. After some training in the art of verbal flaming and technicalities, I go and face my opponent.

out of the 12 times i did it, it worked 9 times.

But that's just the way that I do things. If they didn't listen then, i'd kick em' in the nads (or mess up thier hair), and send em' crying. I really don't care what happens to me when I have to do that. They broke the peace and blood must be spilt for it.

My only tip you could possibly use: Look up new and painful curses. It will have even more affect if you live in a place where cursing is kept under wraps (they get really frustrated because they can't think of a better comeback than 'B****! you're ugly!')

Posted 09-17-2007 at 07:47 PM by scrab queen

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Get an egg, chase him down, and SMASH IT ACROSS HIS HEAD.

Make someone video tape it and post it on youtube.
Posted 09-17-2007 at 08:53 PM by Mac Sirloin

Leto's Avatar
Wow, I've been in pretty much that exact same position. I feel for you. Admittedly all I did was cry like a bitch and waited it out.

I'll spam email him some viagra ads.
Posted 09-18-2007 at 12:57 AM by Leto

Nate's Avatar
I'd say that LJ is only putting on the gay thing to get girls' attention. Sounds to me like he actually likes you and is jealous of the attention you're pouring on MH.
Plan 1) Publicly embarrass him. Tell him loudly (in front of a crowd of his friends) that you're not interested in him, to stop bothering you and that he's the last guy on the planet you'd consider dating. Even if he's not interested in you, he'd be well shamed.
Plan 2) Put the hard word on MH. If you succeed in that area, it's an immediate fail for LJ.
Posted 09-18-2007 at 04:34 PM by Nate


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