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Virus Dicks: 0 Me: 1

Posted 01-16-2009 at 12:05 PM by Laser
Well I was downloading some Oasis songs somewhat illegally and I happened to click this exclamation mark which was red on my not very often used downloader program when I had my virus scanner off.

So when I next turn on my computer, I am bombared with popups, my background has been changed to a badly spelled warning sign, my task manager is disabled and its ridiculously slow.

Needless to say that after 3 virus scans ( with 3 different virus killers) and an entire Disk Check, my computer is back to normal
Total Comments 5


Jordan's Avatar
That's something similar to what happened to my laptop. Except with porn. Now I have "TITS AND ASS" icons plastered onto my desktop. But grats for defeating the virus. Have a cookie?
Posted 01-16-2009 at 12:36 PM by Jordan

mitsur's Avatar
I was stupid enough to allow a program that look semi-legit run on my computer. Nothing really bad happened, except that whenever I boot up my computer, two error messages pop up saying some random file in the system folder won't run. But I just close them out and that's the last of it until the next startup.
Posted 01-16-2009 at 12:44 PM by mitsur

Wil's Avatar
Try as I might, I keep coming to the conclusion that the virus won.
Posted 01-16-2009 at 02:39 PM by Wil

T-nex's Avatar
Get Malwarebyte's Antimalware.. That usually takes care of some viruses... Or Combofix and HijackThis... If you know how to use them, you can remove a lot of stuff. Combofix also automatically removes some viruses.
Posted 01-16-2009 at 10:22 PM by T-nex

Laser's Avatar
MalwareByte and Hijackthis were 2 of the programs I used

Well I used Hijackthis to see what was running but it still helped(ish)

BTW I know Max, but I will remain in denial and belive I won
Posted 01-17-2009 at 06:09 AM by Laser


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