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They sure fucked that one up.

Posted 11-15-2007 at 11:55 AM by Mac Sirloin
Before you read this, read this.

Or not, it doesn't ,matter really.

Okay, so back in what I believe was 2003, I picked up this book in the courthouse library, it seemed cool, it was called Jumper, and I figured the cover page had to do with teleportation or some shit.

Which is fucking awesome when you're an 11 year old Sci-Fi geek, but in the first two chapters I put it down, too much swearing and a near-rape scene drove me away from it for 2 years.

That's when I picked it up again in grade 8, wearing hawaiin shirts and sandals and going on about government conspircies and being repeatedly asked to remove my tinfoil hat.

Anyway, I got back to this novel, and didn't put the fucker down, me and the central character Davy Rice, well, we had a lot in common.

so, 2 years later, I see oin Ign 'Jumper' with an aged Samuel L. Jackson next to it, intrigued, I clicked the link, reading over bits and bobs of the movie info and watching the trailer.

This was not the book I read.

It's some fuckup with Hayden Christensen and CGI, so we can assume it'll be fucking horrible from right there.
but they introduce some other douchebag who can teleport.

Sitting there, insulted, I stewed and fumed and grimaced, much like how one looks while defecating.

One of the central plotlines of the book was the feeling of isolation; Davy is the only teleport, he's special, but sgregated theirein.

What a shitload of fuck, I mean honestly, I won't even go into how they fucked up some of the most important characters roles in it, but goddamn, they have some bullshit about Cults and a childhood 'crush' named millie, who, in the book, Davy meets in new yourk when he's SEVEN-FUCKING-TEEN.

I may right on article about good book->shitty movie relations, thoughts?
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Nate's Avatar
Have you read the book and seen the trailer for The Dark Is Rising? The screenwriter proudly announced that he hadn't fully read the novel. Plus it's been relocated from small-town Britain at no specific time in the latter 20th century to big-city America in the 21st century.
Posted 11-15-2007 at 01:53 PM by Nate


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