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Posted 03-19-2009 at 10:57 PM by Mac Sirloin
Character things I've been beating to a pulp around my head. Pardon the spelling mistakes; I'm horribly diseased.

Slugger Holiday:
More of a vigilante than an actual hero or villain, Slugger Holiday possesses the unique ability to amplify speed.

Using this, he rockets around the world with a hand carved heavy tree branch, smashing through anything and everything and generally having a good time.

Jackie Stomper.
Born with an out of control set of balls that constantly put him in a state of hyperventilating 'roid rage, Jackie has super strength and near invincibility. However, he needs to wear a specialty gas mask to help regulate his breathing and mental stability.

Jackie Stomper would crush any firearm give to him, so he only uses his fists. Fuck yeah.

Belkin Ross is your typical gigantic Neckbeard Faggot.

Unfortunately, he has the ability to slowly regenerate his body, sometimes taking years to completely heal, however.
Unfortunately, Belkin is a villain with a specialty HMG he subtly calls "Mary Sue".
Belkin has a Gomer Pile like relationship with Mary Sue, and depends on her constantly for 'affection.'
OANST, this is why I asked you.

Rocket Joe-Lumbermouth
Among all of the characters I've posted in this thread, this next one is pretty much the first out of the little world I built up around him.

He was originally a parody character for a Metal Gear solid video I made with a friend of mine, but grew into something else.

It's also possible you saw me tripfaggoting it up as this. There was a point where the Name I'm using right now was actually reviled among /v/ (or at least a small group of them), so I switched it up. (Rather than actually just stay anonymous like any non-attention whore.

Anyway, Rocket Joe.

Rocket Joe Lumbermouth is a wanted vigilante, he carries a High caliber Magnum Revolver and, part of his namesake, A Rocket propelled grenade launcher.

The 'Launcher itself is able to operate as a long range propulsion device, allowing Joe to cross vast distances quickly. Since a Rocket Launcher is impractical for close-quarters combat, he carries the aforementioned Revolver and a semi automatic small taser gun that shoots small electric pulses in needle points cases that are essentially depleted batteries.

Joe's History is pretty much a mystery, simply because I haven't come up with one (ironic since he's the first one I thought of.) All that is known is that he has a history with Belkin Ross and tries to act as a leader.

You can think of RJL as Superboy Prime emotionally, specifically the point where he was killing all the other Younger heroes during his fight with Connor.

Joe possesses the unique ability to magnify his eyesight, making him a pair of human binoculars. The exact limit of this 'scope' is not known, but he once shot down an orbital laser from roughly 15 miles-vertically. Accounting for both travel time and wind resistance.
Yes, this was posted on 4chan originally.

Just a brief overview on powers.

The Rocket is for property damage only, though the Rockets he uses vary between basic explosive rounds, a Flashbang which causes a 20-30 minute blindness, or a unique Acid round that causes an outbreak of what feels like mosquito bites all across the body for roughly 20 seconds.

The Magnum revolver has been seen to pierce multiple bodies and blow apart limbs.

Belkin Ross' only weapon, Mary Sue, posses rounds that release oxygen after a short time, or possibly remotely.

Ross has, surprisingly, given his mental state, a very low body count, but his weapon has caused an incalculable amount of maimed soldiers.

Ross will only aim for joints, and since his weapon has specialty rounds, he can take soldiers apart piece by piece.

It is of note that the closer proximity the rounds have, the more force. This can be seen when he fired an entire clip into the stomach of a pregnant woman and detonated them. The exact force is not known, but her body was scattered across a several mile radius.

Of note, however, is that the fetus was not damaged, this can be attributed to the capabilities of Slugger Holiday.

Slugger Holiday lives outside of space and time in a cobbled together temporal fortress known as 'The Jury Rig." composed of every piece of architecture that will not cause a time paradox, it is incalculable in size.
Holiday has the ability to travel through time, therein.
Moving fast enough, He can rip open a hole in space-time, and summon inumerable copies of himself, possibly ripped from time for one second in order to help.

To the naked eye, this appears as Holiday running into a bright light, bursting out of another one, and traveling between them at a blur.
Eventually, however number of Holiday appear from the portal in a large temporal lapse, capable of wearing down any foe in miliseconds.

Understand that Slugger has to be the lolhax character, he's a charismatic guy and all around likeable, so pretty much a Mary sue, but don't think of it in that context. He still causes hundreds billions of dollars of damage and is hated all across the globe.

As mentioned above, he is thought to remove the fetus from the woman Ross killed. It was found that this was replaced into a woman who was about to miscarry. Fuck your science, you'd do it too if you could.

More to come.

Just kidding, they never will.
Total Comments 3


Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I wish I knew what you were talking about, because I like it.
Posted 03-20-2009 at 12:23 AM by Disgruntled Intern

Anonyman!'s Avatar
I'd buy it.
Posted 03-20-2009 at 09:10 AM by Anonyman!

used:)'s Avatar
Very intereshting.
Posted 03-20-2009 at 11:39 AM by used:)


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