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All Good Things Come To An End

Posted 03-15-2011 at 12:40 PM by Dixanadu
After fifteen years, my dog Laddie has died.

He had gotten very weak this past week, so we initially assumed he was just very hungry, so we fed him more often to get him on his feet again..

Went to feed him this morning, only to find him curled in a ball motionless. He must've passed on during the night, and with help from a few mates, I buried him in a field not so far from my house a few hours ago.

I'd have thought in a situation like this I'd have handled this better, but I grew up with this dog. He may not have been in the house much, but sometimes I'd just go out the back to see him.

I still haven't accepted it yet, it feels more like a family member passed on than a pet.

Ah, that will be all. I just needed to get it out there.
Total Comments 16


Ridg3's Avatar
Laddie? Died? Shit, I knew he was sick but I didn't know he would die so fucking soon.

I shall make a trip down tomorrow and we'll drink in the name of him :'(
Posted 03-15-2011 at 01:09 PM by Ridg3

Dynamithix's Avatar
Aww, I feel so sad now. My condolences.

I didn't grow up with a dog or cat, but my dad had a cute chinchilla called Manko. Sadly, he died before I even could walk, but my dad got another one after that, he was named Keke. He was so cute and he lived a happy life, I still sometimes think about him. After Keke died, my dad didn't buy a chinchilla for a year and a half, but after that, we got a chinchilla called Köpi. He was adorable and fluffy, but he didn't live very long, only 2 years. He had a strange disease and they even did a small surgery to him, but he didn't recover.

Oh man, now I'm all teared up. Sorry for spamming about my dead pets, I'm sure your dog goes to a better place. <3
Posted 03-15-2011 at 01:30 PM by Dynamithix

DarkHoodness's Avatar
My condolences, I've lost 3 pets that I grew up with, so I know how you feel (the oldest being a 12 year old cat - I also found her curled in a ball under my chair after dying one night when she was seemingly healthy the previous day). If it helps, 15 years is a long time for a dog. Be happy that you got to know him.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 02:51 PM by DarkHoodness

mr.odd's Avatar
I know how you feel. Pets really do feel like family members and it's hard when they pass away. Sorry for your loss.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 04:14 PM by mr.odd

Dixanadu's Avatar
Aye, Ridg3. Now I'm stuck with Marley, the other dog. He's technically my brother's dog (he's never around to take care of the damn thing), though I've grown close to him these past months, even though he's only been part of the household for about two years, I don't think he'll ever fill Laddie's shoes, paws, whatever.

What's worth noting is Laddie's father, Hope, who was seriously mocking death by living past twenty. He died last year, I assumed the 'like father like son' crap, clearly this wasn't the case.

I've calmed down a bit now, and thank you all for your well wishes. I know it's just a dog, but he was my dog.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 04:21 PM by Dixanadu

Nate's Avatar
Was he named after the dog in Moving Pictures?
Posted 03-15-2011 at 04:27 PM by Nate

Dixanadu's Avatar
Marley? I never asked, I'd assume it may have something to do with Marley & Me.

Laddie, on the other hand, I can't say.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 04:31 PM by Dixanadu

Nate's Avatar
I meant Laddie. I've only ever heard that name for a dog in the Pratchett book.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 04:56 PM by Nate

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
I remember when my family's parrot died. He'd been part of the family longer than I had, and it was very unexpected. It was one of the few times I've cried. We planted a cobnut tree over him. It's done better off of that bird than the others did off the hamsters. I kept some of his feathers, still have them hidden safely away.

God, that bird hated me.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 05:26 PM by Bullet Magnet

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I totally symphathize for you, bro. Some people underestimate the connection between a person and his pet, but losing one can be absolutely devastating; i know this from experience. Take care, bro.
Posted 03-15-2011 at 10:39 PM by Mr. Bungle

Ridg3's Avatar
Hope spawned Laddie and I forget who Laddie spawned. Deisel?

Anyways, the legacy of horny bastards lives on with Beanie. (If Laddie is indeed Deisels da.)
Posted 03-16-2011 at 03:56 AM by Ridg3

enchilado's Avatar
You have my sympathies. May Laddie rest in peace.
Posted 03-16-2011 at 04:31 AM by enchilado

STM's Avatar
Sorry to here it Dixy cup. I hated it when my rat died and dogs are much longer lasting. =(
Posted 03-16-2011 at 09:32 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
ah that's bad. my dog died not long before i turned eighteen. she was seventeen, so i'd been around her since before i could remember. she was just there, and you take it for granted. such a shame.

anyway, chin up.
Posted 03-16-2011 at 11:26 AM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Aw, sorry to hear that.
Posted 03-16-2011 at 12:45 PM by MeechMunchie

Dixanadu's Avatar
My other dog seems a, I think he misses him.

My dad said, "They ate each others shit. They were the best of friends."

Deep feelings of nostalgia now. Oh
Posted 03-17-2011 at 11:58 AM by Dixanadu


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