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So I can get some Peace

Posted 06-10-2012 at 09:54 AM by STM
J_Dude320 will now shut the fuck up and leave me alone until such a time arises as he becomes sober.

STM: awwww Joshy's been drinking
how cute

J: i am npt cut!

STM: you so are

J: i am huwevee a fan of jack danliels

STM: huwevee aye?

J: hpwrver
therr we go

STM: good lad
so what you up to apart from boozing?

J: drunk science snd
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Shameless Self Advertising

Posted 05-27-2012 at 11:47 AM by STM
Hello folks,
A relatively brief blog just to link you new blog:

the link above will take you to what I hope, becomes the hub for any business I drum up for freelance writing. I suppose while I'm here, I might add that if anyone needs writing done here, or contract work if you own a proffessional blog or corporate website, I am indeed in dire need of work.

I have experience in a huge spectrum of...
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Gimme all the monees!

Posted 05-13-2012 at 02:01 PM by STM
Howdy folks,
So, just now I got myself some nifty screen recording software, and compounded with the relatively good quality of my microphone, I was wondering whether or not I should set up a monetised Youtube account to try and make some cash. I'm not looking to make lots of money, but maybe a few grand a year. Problem is I need to think of a genre for my videos, what do I film? What is my USP? I thought I'd see what ideas you clever, shining people, might have knocking...
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This blog is sad

Posted 05-05-2012 at 08:24 AM by STM
Updated 05-05-2012 at 08:29 AM by STM
Hrmm, this might come as a mood dampener, but I figure it's supposed to relieve some nasty feelings, and I don't want to lay this on friends IRL because they are more emotionally invested in me and might worry more.

As some English folk might know, most 16-17 year olds are sitting their AS level examinations in two weeks. The stress is mounting, of course, but as someone who doesn't get stressed much, when it does inevitably build up in me, I bottle it up until the point I literally...
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To drown in ones own shit

Posted 04-16-2012 at 08:14 AM by STM
It happened. I went to check my bees today because my dad was concerned he hadn't seen any flying around one of the hives today. I assumed quite laissez faire that it was nothing to worry out, it's borderline too cold for bees to be flying any way. But I put on my gloves and headed up to check all the same. First thing I'm met by, the sight of diarrhoea sprayed all up and down the entrance of one of my hives. Now I know I've posted before that I thought my colonies had died a winter or two ago....
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Driving Me Round The Bend

Posted 04-05-2012 at 02:52 PM by STM
No fear, this isn't a whiny blog by any means. =D

I was just browsing through the internet and trying to get as many different opinions from friends as possible, so your input is much appreciated. Basically, I am thinking of learning to drive, not to get a car afterwards, but from the job application aspect of things, it always looks good if an employee can drive. Any way, as you may or may not imagine, being British, unemployed, etcetera, I don't have masses of money to spend, so...
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Posted 03-10-2012 at 10:56 AM by STM
Updated 03-10-2012 at 11:10 AM by STM
I've decided to take a bit of a sabbatical. A break, a vacation, leave, furlough. You've been truly gracious, putting up with my saucy witticisms, and I've accepted your slanderous back-talk with tears of admiration...

I'm quite happy I found the quote above, it's a nice note to go out on.

Recently, things have been going my way, I've had a good confidence boost over the last few weeks and it's kept my head above the water at a time when by all rights I should be sinking....
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Posted 02-27-2012 at 10:08 AM by STM
Updated 02-28-2012 at 09:27 AM by STM
Hello all,
Here's a tid-bit of news you guys might be interested in. As an English Language student, part of my coursework (20%) is to write a short story, employing the usage of various linguistic techniques, all in all it comes to about 1200 words plus a 500 commentary explaining the technical features of the story. Any way, my piece, an account of the life in a dystopian future England, somewhat reminiscent of Nineteen Eighty-Four in which a man is taken away by the police,...
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The Follow-Up

Posted 02-18-2012 at 11:58 PM by STM
Well, this is sort of an interesting addition to my New Year bonanza if anyone remembers that. I just got back from the first party I've been to since 1st January. And I was rather miffed actually at how dull it suddenly all became to me. I only drank one Strongbow, expecting it to ease me up a bit without getting drunk, and that succeeded for a good ten or fifteen minutes before I sort of crashed a bit.

After an hour I was feeling really bored so I decided to break my smoking ban...
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My turn

Posted 02-13-2012 at 04:15 AM by STM
I had to go to the doctors today. To get some medicine. I hate going to the doctors, sometimes I get butterflies but this time wasn't so bad, I just wanted to get in and out and then go home back to bed to do whatever it is I do. What should have been a ten minute wait took fifty minutes. In that time I made some observations of the people that were subscribing to the same dismal waiting room as me. There was a woman with two young children and she couldn't keep them under control, the youngest...
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