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University update Pt:1

Posted 10-10-2009 at 09:06 AM by Wings of Fire
It's been about a month now since I came back to Glasgow, so I figure that right now when I'm in the library trying to procrastinate over starting this goddamned lab report is the perfect opportunity to give y'all an update on the life and times of WoF.

Academically-wise so far I'm finding this year a shitload more enjoyable and involving than last year. I suppose that was because Freshers' Year is a kind of introduction year, I mean, it was great and all but the problem with introducing...
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Oh by the way...

Posted 09-25-2009 at 02:03 PM by Wings of Fire
I have a violin.

Time to book some lessons .
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My Brother

Posted 09-24-2009 at 12:05 PM by Wings of Fire
Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:29):
*Hello Joe.
Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:30):
Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:30):
*I just performed an arcane ritual.
Teh Joe in Glasgow says (20:30):
*You're an idiot
Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:31):
*Haha. Still pissed over Odin's runes?
Luke - Odin rides in quest for norns. says (20:34):
*I performed the same casting for Genny
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Mosh pits are fun and OANST is rubbish and sad!

Posted 09-22-2009 at 03:48 PM by Wings of Fire
Updated 09-23-2009 at 12:43 PM by Wings of Fire
Weeeeee drunk.

No fresher for me this week will try harder next week srry.

I fell over TWICE in the moshpit
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Goodbye England!

Posted 09-11-2009 at 12:17 PM by Wings of Fire
Year two of being Scottish, my new flat rules and my parents took me to a nice Italian before heading back home. I have no internet for the next five days. Also I brought every single thing up necessary for online play on my 360 except my TV >.>.

More on this story as it unfolds
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Seriously guys?

Posted 08-21-2009 at 10:23 AM by Wings of Fire
I mean, seriously?

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Fucking me too.

Posted 08-07-2009 at 01:14 PM by Wings of Fire
I'll be back on the 21st. I'm staying in a rather less glamorous place in Majorca.

So babai.

Expect at least one gratuitous blog written with a Spanish keyboard.
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I has a new PC

Posted 07-31-2009 at 06:10 AM by Wings of Fire
It has Vista D:

Suggest customisations and things to put on my To Do list naow.

#1: Download Firefox
#2: Download WLM
#3: Download VLC
#4: Download WoW
#5: Download antivirus stuff (AVG?)
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One of the most disgusting things I have seen in a long time

Posted 07-30-2009 at 07:07 AM by Wings of Fire

Outcry over disowned US rape girl

Offers of help are pouring in for an eight-year-old Liberian girl disowned by her own family in Phoenix, Arizona, after being raped by four boys.

The girl is under the care of the Arizona Child Protective Service (CPS) because her parents said she had shamed them, and they did not want her back.

Phoenix police said calls had come in from all
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An all-nighter

Posted 07-26-2009 at 09:54 PM by Wings of Fire
To reset my sleep pattern to something approaching normality.

6:55AM: Begin to feel tired, must get coffee.
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