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Posted 02-23-2012 at 09:12 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:29 AM by Phylum
I'm back. I told you.

I was going to post something witty and include a casual "I'm back" message at the end, but I didn't want to derail any threads.

I really struggled to stay away. The number of times that I almost opened this page from sheer habit in the first week was eye-opening. I'm not going to be hanging around here anywhere near as much as I was before.

I read the comments on my leaving blog a minute ago. I love you guys <3

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Posted 01-31-2012 at 02:05 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:24 AM by Phylum
After many long, soppy drafts I've decided on a short-ish blog.

I need to take a break from this place. As of late I feel really bad most of the time and visiting this place is one of the highlights of my day. I don't want that. I don't want to come home after a shit day and think "I know, my internet friends will cheer me up." I want to not be having bad days to start with. I'm really out of touch with people that should be my close friends and the amount of time I'm spending on...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Australia Day

Posted 01-25-2012 at 01:07 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:24 AM by Phylum
Happy patriotism, everyone!

Also, invasions.
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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Posted 01-18-2012 at 11:43 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:24 AM by Phylum
I'm posting this from my new computer, which arrived today as my late christmas present. It was worth the wait.

Given my old compute was a 13 year-old hunk of junk this is a definate step up.

It's a really nice, new computer. It has a Gigabyte motherboard with USB 3 ports. There's no graphics card as of yet, but I'm planning on getting one soon. It has an Intel i7 quad-core processor which I'm looking forward to utilising. I've also upgraded from Windows XP to 64bit...
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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Another shit blog

Posted 12-31-2011 at 05:11 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:25 AM by Phylum
I didn't want to post another one of these blogs, but I just feel so fucking bad that I need to do something.

Since my last blog I've gone from being distant to my friends to them just plain disliking me. Whenever I try to strike up conversation they try to get out if I'm lucky. I've sent 3 people messages on Facebook in the last 2 weeks only to be completely ignored. I don't see myself sending any more in the near future.

I don't get it. Early in the year I was conservative...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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A story

Posted 12-12-2011 at 03:46 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:25 AM by Phylum
I was cleaning through some of my old schoolwork today and I found a story I wrote at age 7. I decided it was so funny that I should share it. This is a direct transcription, so every spelling mistake and grammatical error is still present.

The Great Easter Crash

It had been a hard yare preparing for Easter only two more days. The barscits were stil beeing made.. everything was ok entiL the next day. The next day there was a thuder storm The storm made the ground damnall...
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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Posted 10-28-2011 at 09:56 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:25 AM by Phylum
I feel horrible. I have no motivation to do anything lately and I just feel like shit all the time. No matter what I do I always end up sitting infront of my computer with Facebook open hoping someone will just talk to me.

I feel like I have no friends. Whenever I try talking to people that should be my friends outside of school I end up feeling like I'm pestering them. I rarely get invited to things and I get the impression lots of people outright dislike me.

I get...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Posted 09-21-2011 at 04:42 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:26 AM by Phylum
I just performed with a bigband infront of 3000 people. In said performance, I had an improvised* solo. It was absolutely nerve racking and I was shaking severely after I'd left the stage. I managed to contain the outward signs of terror until after the performance, which is more than I can normally say. My knees usually wobble if I'm standing during a performance.

I'm buzzing right now, although I'm extremely exhauseted. We only played for 31/2 minutes, but something about...
Posted in Music
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Posted 08-09-2011 at 09:11 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:26 AM by Phylum
Over the last 4 days I've had a reasonably bad headcold. I have produced enough mucus for a large family and have had the generally shit feeling that comes with colds like this.

My ears became very blocked on the plane trip back from England and have never quite returned to normal. This, in conjunction with a head cold, has caused my ears to become horribly pressurised with inner-ear fluid.

At the moment, it's 2:39 in the fucking morning and I can't sleep because of...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Posted 07-23-2011 at 08:37 PM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:27 AM by Phylum
I'm going to warn you now that this blog may not make sense.

I'm back from England. I fucked my sleeping on the plane and I'm yet to recover. I'm getting hungry at odd times and my sleeping patterns are just fucked.

Thursday I arrived home at 11am, tired after having about 5 hours sleep across half a day in England, a 12 hour flight, an 8 hour stopever and a 9 hour flight. I then decided I'd stay awake until at least 9. That night I went to bed at 10 slept well. I had...
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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