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Important news

Posted 11-28-2009 at 04:21 AM by Wings of Fire
My flatmates have just been taken into custody by the police.
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Theory with Joe and Luke

Posted 11-21-2009 at 07:46 PM by Wings of Fire
A short excerpt from near the end of a much longer conversation in which I slowly pissed off my brother more and more.

Teh Joe says (04:39):
*The old man symbolizes how destiny is safeguarded by great men, the sheer falls indicate what happens to people who do not exhibit strict social conformity. The fact it is deepest night indicates the fact that every human is born into complete and total cultural darkness, unless we let ourselves be morphed and shaped by the old men in
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Need a new avatar

Posted 11-18-2009 at 10:08 AM by Wings of Fire
Will be taking suggestions.
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Posted 11-17-2009 at 10:19 AM by Wings of Fire
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Dumb things that happen to me

Posted 10-27-2009 at 03:32 PM by Wings of Fire
I may have already mentioned in a previous blog I have a schoolgirl crush, well a few of know of who I refer to, and a rather... awkward incident happened today which I've been thinking about whether to blog or not all night.

So, this guy is in my tutorial class, a tutorial I (thankfully) only have every fortnight, but when I do have it I can't help but let my drift over to stare at him, creepily like. He noticed me doing this today and he must of noticed my response because it was...
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Don't you just despise faulty instructions?

Posted 10-24-2009 at 12:02 PM by Wings of Fire

Using the mouse hilight both columns, and select: Analyse-> Compare Means-> Paired-Sample T Test

It's 9pm on a saturday night, I still have a discussion to write after I finish analyzing my results (Which I can only do after I analyze my results) and this report is due in on monday. What the fuck? Just what the fuck?
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I hate everyone with a stock Oddworld avatar

Posted 10-22-2009 at 10:31 AM by Wings of Fire
They jive me, they jive me so badly.

Get some uniqueness fuckers, especially the one with the little pink shit, and the Lulu avatar.

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I should be doing work! (Uni update part 2)

Posted 10-21-2009 at 09:38 AM by Wings of Fire
So, Freshers Week this year was fun. I got to dress up like a knight, stand in front of a stall and have pretty girls ask if they can touch my sword for two days. I'm generally getting better at swordfighting (Having the keenest member of the group as a flatmate helps) and I feel really good for it. I'm confident that with some work put in I could make knighthood next semester, or possibly next summer camp.

Also this year I joined the LGBT and the Japanese society, I got a bit sick...
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Going up in the world!

Posted 10-16-2009 at 11:04 AM by Wings of Fire
So, after our AGM on Thursday I'm now the Treasurer of the society 'til this time next year. This means that I am personally in control of all the money that flows through our exceedingly dynamic bank account, something along the lines of a few thousand pounds a year.

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