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Havoc's Blog
Simply Awesome

Talent Shows

Posted 05-22-2008 at 04:13 PM by Havoc
Just a small rant about the countless talent shows we have on TV these days. Idols for example or (Fill in your country here)'s got talent.

The basis of these talent shows is to find new and fresh talent for the music and entertainment industry. To filter out all the idiots and other wastes of flesh there is a jury who decides who goes on to the next round. This jury consists of carefully picked people who have experience in music and entertainment and can make a valid judgment of...
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New Laptops and Dead Captains

Posted 04-24-2008 at 08:09 AM by Havoc
Updated 04-24-2008 at 11:41 PM by Havoc
Lately I've been getting back into the art scene a little. The past few weeks have been spent with a lot of sketching, looking at other peoples art to get together a style and asking for peoples help. It's amazing what you can do to your own skills with just a few weeks of practice. What took me ages to get right a few weeks ago is now something I do in an instant without any trouble.
So now that I got sketching somewhat handled, I wanted to take it up a notch and start perfecting my skills...
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HD Owns

Posted 12-20-2007 at 04:50 PM by Havoc
I just got myself a nice Blu-ray/HDDVD player and watched two movies on there. In combination with a 50" plasma and a finely tuned surround sound it's enough to draw a smile on your face that will not leave untill the movie is over. You also WILL orgasm right in your pants just by looking.
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STD tests FTL!!

Posted 11-13-2007 at 01:37 AM by Havoc
Who ever came up with shoving a swab down your dick to test for STD's needs to be fucking shot!!!!!!!!!!

I feel violated...
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Almost had an F-16 shatter my windows...

Posted 11-11-2007 at 02:37 PM by Havoc
This afternoon apparently there was some helicopter that didn't identify itself, so our royal air force flew out to the UFO as quickly as they could with a good 1000KM/H. All nice and all but they flew over a little low and as a result I had the 'sonic boom', the result of flying through the sound barrier, shaking up my entire house. No windows cracked, though I hear not everyone was that fortunate :P.
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Bose... DON'T DO IT!!!

Posted 11-06-2007 at 02:05 PM by Havoc
Okay so lately I've been looking into upgrading the stupid piece of shit equipment my mom once bought from some slick sales guy. Surely you've seen the commercials for Bose sound systems, the 3-2-1 system that claims to create a perfect surround sound by bouncing sounds off the walls. Well that's not the set we're talking about now but it has the same principle.
Seriously, does Bose really believe that pointing a speaker at the wall () makes the sound bounce around like a pool ball...
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This is madness!!

Posted 09-25-2007 at 04:26 PM by Havoc
After watching some clips of the movie 300 I just couldn't resist putting this guy as my temporary avatar. Don't worry, sexy tigger will be back shortly. He's... otherwise occupied...

*Moan* *grunt* Oh yea...


This isn't what it looks like...
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Review: BioShock

Posted 09-05-2007 at 05:06 PM by Havoc
BioShock was without a doubt one of this year's titles everyone was looking forward to. Previews all looked very promising and by all accounts this would be a very special game. In the past week I had the chance to play BioShock and while I will absolutely play the game again a few times I believe I have seen enough to write a decent review. So let's continue shall we?

First Impression
Bioshock comes in three different editions. The normal edition in a plastic cover, a normal...
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Liek whoa! I had sex!

Posted 09-03-2007 at 05:11 AM by Havoc
Just sharing...
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Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars - Full Review

Posted 08-31-2007 at 04:41 AM by Havoc
After putting in a good 50 hours into Tiberium Wars I managed to complete the game and am now thus able to write a full, all covering review about the game. I will be dividing it into 3 parts:

1. First Impression
2. Gameplay
3. Story

Note that the story part will be one huge spoiler for the game, so if you haven't completed it yet I would recommend not reading that part.

First Impression
I got the demo of Tiberium Wars pretty much...
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