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Havoc's Blog
Simply Awesome

I Hate Christmas

Posted 12-27-2008 at 06:04 PM by Havoc
No shit? Ya really. And no, the ghosts of christmas past, present and future have not come to haunt me yet over the years.

So it was Christmas right? Of course it was, we were all there for it, there's no getting around it. I, personaly, hate Christmas in every form because of the hypocricy. If we need two designated days a year to be friendly to each other then I'd say we hit the very lowest of low. Entire wars are put on HOLD because it's Christmas!

"Yea don't mind
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Follow my life. FOLLOW IT I SAY!

Posted 11-22-2008 at 01:40 PM by Havoc
Since I'm doing the absolute coolest study ever right now I decided to keep a journal about it in the form of an online blog. I called it Backstage Media because I talk a lot about the things that go on backstage at media productions and stuff.

So if you're interested in what I do in my day to day life feel free to visit. And take your shoes off before you enter...
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Someone explain this to me...

Posted 11-05-2008 at 12:46 PM by Havoc
Why is it that in America, people are deemed to irresponsible to smoke marijuana responsibly, but ARE deemed responsible enough to own almost any kind of deadly firearm?

This just popped into my mind as I was watching TV about softdrugs in America. Isn't this INCREDIBLY backward?!
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Artists, Art & Copyright

Posted 09-30-2008 at 10:42 AM by Havoc
Today I came across a certain situation on the internet which kind of got to me. Its the classic “Artist Internet Rights” argument that I’m sure a lot of people are already fermiliar with. Artists claims they have the sole rights to their art and the art fans claim that it’s theirs to use however they want. So, who is right?

Let me say up front that the following ‘rant’ is merely my own opinion in a debate that has been raging for years. Like with any other debate on the...
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Public Message to Alcar...

Posted 09-21-2008 at 03:14 PM by Havoc
You're going to kill me arn't you .

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Public Message to our Prime Minister...

Posted 09-19-2008 at 02:07 PM by Havoc
Updated 09-20-2008 at 01:20 PM by Havoc
Our Prime Minster about the Paralympics in China:

"These people are great! True rolemodels."

Seriously, I cracked a rib.
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The Creation of the World After 7 Days

Posted 09-12-2008 at 07:54 AM by Havoc
After his day off, day 7, god decided to get off his lazy ass to check on the planet he had created. He decided things were going a little too good down there.

So, on day 8, god created the Problem.

God had intended to reverse his creation after a while, but had forgotten all about the creation of the Problem.

So, on day 16, god had forgotten the Problem.

And on day 17, god had still not created the Solution.

And here we...
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Internet Pimpin

Posted 08-01-2008 at 12:12 PM by Havoc
Some of you will prolly know those internet pimp games and stuff.

Me and my girlfriend are playing a Dutch version of such a game and we need hookers! Help us out and click the links below . Thanks!

(I can't help it, it's addictive )
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The Happening of Spore

Posted 07-03-2008 at 03:53 AM by Havoc
Alright! First things first. I have just returned from the theater where I saw The Happening. The first thing I thought when I saw the trailer for The Happening was that the plot could be okay, depending on the underlying story. You can make or break a movie with the ending and final role out of plot elements.

So what happens in The Happening (ha ha)? The movie starts in Central Park, New York City. Everyone is busy with their daily lives when suddenly everyone at once just stops...
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Prison Break Soundtrack

Posted 05-24-2008 at 11:50 AM by Havoc
The hit TV show Prison Break has some very awsome background music in the various episodes. Until recently I haven't been able to find these tunes but thanks to a blog I recently found I managed to find most of the songs. The Prison Break music is composed by Ramin...
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