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Life, The Universe and Everything.

Posted 10-09-2010 at 07:57 PM by Nate
Today is Meaning of Life Binary Day! PARTY!

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Is this the worst (straight to DVD) film of all time?

Posted 10-01-2010 at 06:25 PM by Nate
How many cheesy stereotypes can you spot in one trailer?

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Was Jesus the first modern pirate?

Posted 09-29-2010 at 07:57 PM by Nate
From here.

So it's been on my mind for quite some time and I've never seen anyone use this argument, but Jesus was definitely the first pirate, and the Bible does condone piracy.

One of the miracles Jesus did was copying five loaves of bread and two fish to feed 5000 people because neither he nor his disciples could afford such a large amount of food. Doing that, he did not steal anything from a baker nor fisherman, but inevitably, he caused severe harm to the
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I have found a new hero

Posted 09-20-2010 at 05:12 AM by Nate
The anonymous animator who slipped a secret message in to a G-rated TV show.

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Why God Created The Internet...

Posted 09-16-2010 at 05:16 AM by Nate

(via Ron Gilbert)
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What I found in a txt file saved on my computer.

Posted 09-07-2010 at 04:14 AM by Nate
Hobo: (Link to photo)
Hobo: Belinda's ex's identical twin brother
Hobo: who used to be fairly good mates with me
Nate: OMG
Nate: I want
Nate: But only if I can get them both at once
Nate: Making out with each other
Hobo: Belinda's ex was a complete fucking fairy
Nate: Literally or metaphysically?
Hobo: Not literally
Hobo: he didn't have wings
Nate: Oh, good point
Nate: Literally using the alternative definition of
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This is rather worrying

Posted 09-02-2010 at 08:31 PM by Nate
My comment in this blog led to me rewatching OANST's Doctor Karl videos and showing them to my officemate, who was rather horrified. A further conversation led me to check up on one small, rather worrying detail...

We're now up to #2 on the (AU) Google results for the phrase '*redacted* forum'.
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One for the coders out there

Posted 08-29-2010 at 05:26 PM by Nate
bitreaper posted:
First day on my new job, confronted with this:

INSERT INTO Applications ( Password, AccessLevel, MemberNum, MemberType, MemberExpiry, PCExpiry, AccountCreated, Title, FirstName, LastName, Gender, Lang, BirthdayMonth, BirthdayDay, BirthdayYear, HomePhone, WorkPhone, MobilePhone, FAX, Email, Street, Apartment, PostalCode, City, Province, Country, MailingSame, MailStreet, MailApartment, MailPostalCode, MailCity, MailProvince, MailCountry, Sport, Passport, , L2F,
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The truth about Pilot

Posted 08-22-2010 at 05:32 PM by Nate

And the truth about his new job:

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