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How to piss off little kiddies. . . >: ) (with boring pics)

Posted 05-06-2008 at 07:18 AM by DarkHoodness
Updated 05-06-2008 at 07:20 AM by DarkHoodness
. . . Using the most unpractical and time consuming way, as always. :P

Me and my mum have been having some trouble with some dickhead kids lately who like to swear at us and enter our garden from the nearby woods (we're getting a fence soon) while throwing stuff at our buildings. I hid once and took their photos, so now the police are interested in finding them 'cause they've been breaking into other people's gardens too.

Since I have the time (kinda) and like walking...
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Can't sleep. . . :S

Posted 04-19-2008 at 04:32 PM by DarkHoodness
So, Alector has left today to go see her friends and family for a few weeks. I couldn't go with her for a number of reasons.

. . . Except for that one week when she moved here, I haven't slept alone in over 5 months. I'm really, really, really incredibly tired after getting only 3 hours sleep last night, but I don't want to go to bed 'cause she isn't there and I now really, incredibly hate sleeping alone. And my hot water bottle has gone tepid.

Love can make you behave...
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Bloody Physics!

Posted 04-04-2008 at 03:54 AM by DarkHoodness
Alright, something's irritated me enough to finally use the Blog feature for something. :P

Normally when I drop things, they generally stay where they fall so I can pick them up easily. Lately though when I drop things, they bounce and then fly off to the other end of the universe or so.

For example I'm eating a sandwich with Egg, Lettace, Cheese and Tomato with a bit of Salad Cream (god I'm hungry). However the bread in the UK is really shitty, thin, and falls apart...
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