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Cleaning House

Posted 11-04-2007 at 12:49 PM by mitsur
So I've been sitting in front of the computer lately, typing nonsensical stories that seem to always include Danny Ocean at least once, followed shortly by an apoctalyptic event that destroys everythings. The current events are:
  • Atomic Explosion.
  • The atmosphere melts away, leaving everyone to get very bad sunburns follow by skin cancer.
  • Hellish deamons that eat you from the feet up.
  • A shipment of Tyson's chicken filled with a deadly chemical causes everyone to catch the Black Death.
  • Rolling
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A Triumphant Re-Intrest

Posted 11-02-2007 at 10:04 PM by mitsur
Yar, me hearties. After a brief hiatus, I rediscovered OWF on my favorite links! I plan on actually coming on and loading you all down with sarcasm, and hopefully brighten this place up!

To recap on the WoW situation, it finally just petered out as my subscription time ended without an allowed renew. So now I'm over it until I can finally get it myself.

In other news, my music tastes have opened up with the discovery of Guns N' Roses, Velvet Revolver, Aerosmith, and even...
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I hate being in withdrawl

Posted 09-11-2007 at 09:13 PM by mitsur
Yep, still going through withdrawl (apparently), and have to constantly fight a battle not to log onto WoW. Unfortunately, unless the parents either A. Forget about the ban or B. Take pity and give it back, I'll have to wait until 18 to finally log back in, which is a trifle inconvient as I'm a few months away from 16. A shame.

Anyway, I've currently been writing nonsensical short stories to kill time, which have mostly been piles of gibberish all ending with some kind of Armageddon-esqe...
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This just in, I had a mental breakdown over losing WoW

Posted 09-09-2007 at 10:08 PM by mitsur
Yep, my parents finally stepped in and booted me off WoW, prompting me to explode into hysterical tears since they had saddled on all of my shortcomings onto the game, and in my vulnerability believed it all.

The worst part is that I caught a pretty bad case o' the flu and they are now claiming the sickness is 'withdrawl'. Whatever the hell that means.

But anyway, I'm trying to piece together what to do after I get home from school. I'm sure I'll find something. It's...
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A maelstorm of death, destruction, and very small rocks

Posted 09-02-2007 at 01:29 AM by mitsur
It's 3:30 in the morning, so I do what I always do at this time. Try to keep myself from looking at porn. So I jump on here, and, Lo and Behold, I can make a blog space for meself, thus adding to the size of my already-considerably sized epeen.

Anyways, I take it you've all noticed I've been very absent from OWF for the past few weeks. Intrest has, regrettably, once again falled away, but I expect it to return within a few days. Kastere is the main factor of the anti-owf vibes I've...
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