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Easy come, easy go. (Yay for relationships.)

Posted 02-15-2011 at 05:02 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 06-29-2012 at 07:57 AM by DarkHoodness
EDIT 27/06/2012: These blogs about my ex sometimes appeared in the "random blogs" section. They contained just me bitching incoherently, lamenting, and rambling for ages. Unlike other relationship failures, there wasn't a lot of drama, nor was it interesting for others to read about. So I deleted them all. You aren't missing much.

Probably about time I forgot about this and moved on anyway.
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I need TP for my bunghole.

Posted 02-02-2011 at 08:30 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 02-02-2011 at 08:34 PM by DarkHoodness

Now THAT's what I call anal. *badum-tish.*

But seriously, check out the length of this article! What the hell, Wikipedia?
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Posted 07-25-2009 at 02:47 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 06-29-2012 at 08:16 AM by DarkHoodness
Only veterans will make sense of the following.

So how is it that 8 years after I joined these forums, despite all that's happened, I'm still being directly affected by the people I met here all those years ago?

Not that I'm complaining of course. I just finished spending 3 awesome years with one of the people I met on here - But then life moves on pretty quick if you have the correct circumstances. I don't like sitting and moping about stuff for long.
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Not gonna make a topic about this.

Posted 03-31-2009 at 03:27 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 03-31-2009 at 03:30 PM by DarkHoodness
'cause it ain't worth it and not many people here know me anymore, so I'll post in the blog section instead. :P

I do not want sympathy for this, just to make it clear. Those who knew us may be interested - Me and AlectorFencer were one of the OWF couples even though we didn't check OWF very often.

Unfortunately our 3-year long relationship ended recently over the past month for a variety of complex reasons which I won't go on about here. But we're still good friends...
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Still Alive. . .

Posted 07-04-2008 at 05:55 PM by DarkHoodness
Yes, that's right. Despite seeing it being played through on YouTube and watching a friend play it through while completing half the game myself on his machine, I bought Portal.

I mean it's weird to be a big fan of a game without even owning a copy, right? This'll mean I get to do all the challenges and import other user-created maps. Playing a game is very different from watching a game anyway.



Today's 3am thoughts:...
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I had a dream: How maybe Munch should've been.

Posted 06-24-2008 at 06:08 AM by DarkHoodness
Updated 09-20-2011 at 12:58 AM by DarkHoodness
Might as well share this with you lot. Out of the weird stuff I normally dream, I dreamed that OWI re-released MO. Nothing special and it wasn't very long, but anyway...

In the context of the dream, it was completely out of the blue - They just announced it and out it came. OWF went ballistic of course. :P In the dream, I watched some videos online. It seemed to be using a majorly updated version of Stranger's game engine, with immersive environments, underwater levels, and amazing...
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Some inner thoughts of mine. . .

Posted 06-17-2008 at 05:34 AM by DarkHoodness
Matriar posted a journal entry about what she thought about life after death. Since I'd been thinking about it recently, it spurred me to write a little essay about it that no-one will read. =P But if you're that bothered,
you can read it here.

Just some thoughts and theories of mine, from a non-religious yet open minded point of view. I'm not saying that's how things definitely work but I'd be surprised if someone doesn't flame me for it, despite this. ...
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Another year, another number.

Posted 05-13-2008 at 03:59 PM by DarkHoodness
2 years. I remember my last birthday as if it was yesterday. . . And this worries me a lot, because I haven't been sitting around. I've been doing a lot of things. I even remember 5 months ago as yesterday. . .

God, it's started. :S Your childhood seems to last forever, but when you're an adult, your life seems to flash by you. . .

This is something I'm REALLY going to hate.

But never mind. If that's all I've got to complain about, then I guess everything...
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Today's 3am thought. . .

Posted 05-12-2008 at 02:48 AM by DarkHoodness
I woke up last night and layed around in bed half-awake for about 10 minutes before sleeping again. During that time, I thought about something.

It's weird how my cats feel love for me. I don't personally feed them unless they ask me (my mum's been re-filling thier bowl since I was in Germany for 5 months last year even though I'm back now), yet they still follow me around the garden, sit with me and greet me each time they see me.

It begs a question. Why do they express...
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Crazy 5am Quiz 01!

Posted 05-07-2008 at 07:38 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 05-07-2008 at 07:41 PM by DarkHoodness
My cat weighs 3 KG. If there were 28 clones of her, their combined weight would be the same as what I weigh.

How much, in Kilo-Grams, do I weigh?

EDIT: Oh yeah, tiny prize for a tiny question. First person to answer correctly gets a single rep point added.

Really, piss-easy. :P I wanna see how you guys react, how many get it wrong, and how many of you go "Eh? What's the point of this?"
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