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Posted 02-15-2008 at 04:41 AM by Venks
Updated 05-15-2019 at 05:19 AM by Venks
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Kicked out of my house.

Posted 10-19-2007 at 03:46 AM by Venks
Well when I came home last night from a school event and sitting down waiting for me were my parents. Apparently my sisters and I were horrible children for forgetting to clean the living room before going to the after school event. The room was very clean just a little bit untidy in a few spots.
My parents gave us a huge speech about how ungrateful we are like they tend to do once a week. I was just fed up so I started to speak my mind for once. I enraged my step father so he pushed me into...
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My 1st Blog

Posted 09-27-2007 at 09:28 PM by Venks
I've finally decided to start a blog! Hurray! /end fake enthusiasm
Anyways with work and school I've had no time to write my fics nor even visit this site.
Current projects:
A Slig Who Cares: Ch 7 in progress
Vykker Tech: In Progress
Nightmares at Rupture Farms: In Progress
Tripartite Heart Ch 1(Poke'mon fic): Finished(Needs Editing)

I really love the Poke'mon fic I've made and where I'm taking it. Though it specifically targets people in...
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