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PrizeRebel, bitch.

Posted 10-29-2008 at 08:46 AM by Jordan
Anyone ever actually heard of this? I'm surprised no one's mentioned it yet. Basically you do surveys and crap, get points for them, then you can get yourself some free Microsoft Points or anything else basically. Woo. Aint I a cheap bastard?

Please, someone join, I need fucking referral points. ><
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A little word of warning.

Posted 09-09-2008 at 07:07 AM by Jordan
Okay, I had a bit of a scrap with some fella on these other forums I go on. He was trolling on about how Sonic the Hedgehog is the best game character ever and a true Sonic fan wasn't allowed to like Mario or Zelda... Or any other game series at all. I told him Sonic got old a while back, and Mario and Zelda are doing relatively better. So... He posts back, effing and blinding, making himself look foolish. A bit after, he PMed me, swearing at me, calling me stupid childish names, so I reported it...
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Need some help from a guy who knows a lot about computers.

Posted 08-30-2008 at 01:19 PM by Jordan
Right, I'm desperate.

I just upgraded from 512mb of RAM to 1.5gb, thinking it would improve gaming a LOT. It has indeed made a difference, I can run a few with higher settings, yet eventually it won't be ready for the high graphic games. Disappointed at not being able to have full settings still, I found out the processor helps. Yes, I was stupid. =/

Currently I have this crappy AMD Sempron Processor 3200+ at 1.8ghz. It's pretty much shite. And I'm looking to upgrade...
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Posted 08-23-2008 at 03:05 AM by Jordan
Only kidding. Slightly. Yes, I'm back, and I'm not particularly pleased with the holiday I've just been on. It was boring most of the time, but the days out were pretty fun. Not going into any detail. So... What's been happening?
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God I'm gonna miss you bastards.

Posted 08-08-2008 at 10:51 PM by Jordan
Yep, that's right. I'm on holiday for 2 weeks, somewhere called Skegness. Nothing special, but I fucking love it. If somehow I can get a connection, I'll still be able to post every now and then. Leaving in about an hour.
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A day in and I'm already bored.

Posted 07-21-2008 at 09:28 AM by Jordan
God, I have nothing to do, and I've got to wait till the 9th, that's when I go on holiday. What can I do to entertain me?
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Urban Legends.

Posted 06-15-2008 at 12:14 PM by Jordan
Well my English teacher told us we'd be doing about Urban Legends, and we're starting it tomorrow. Can I just ask, what the hell are they? Some of my friends from the other class made out it's scary. Pfft.
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Posting to raise your post count.

Posted 11-04-2007 at 01:31 PM by Jordan
Okay, I just wanted to say, this blog system, nice.

Anyways. What is it with people and post counts on this forum? Everywhere I see little pointless posts that don't contribute to the thread at all. You don't win anything for having thousands of posts. Kudos to the long posting people. [/rant over.]
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