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Oh, yes..About time Peter did something new that can actually be used by normal members rathers than sitting in the background like a dominant male lion looking over his pride. Indeed, GO PETER!

To take over or not to take over. I will take out Alcar and drench the world in his-?

Posted 09-29-2009 at 04:39 PM by Spirrow
There are some possibly foolproof ways
to hack forum accounts without any special software. I have yet to field-test it. So I'll try on some lame forum first then I'll sell the secrets to any Oddworld Forumite who wants to buy them and wreck Havoc. And Havoc it'll be (don't think of it the way you want to, tiger). Anyone ever heard of the term "When one domino falls, the rest will, too."
I once wrote with tears in my eyes. But the time has come. Alcar must DIE.
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Pics of n*de chicks!!!

Posted 09-29-2009 at 03:54 PM by Spirrow
Updated 09-29-2009 at 04:25 PM by Spirrow
I knew you be opening this!

I decided to google "Spirrow is Sexy". I nearly exploded in my pant. The first I saw was some oddly ultra-hot pic of Jordana Spiro. (Who da hell is she anyway?)

So it got interesting. I typed in "Glowi is sexy" and got:

And seriously, type it in too, because...
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Are U da Chocolate Milk, jerk.

Posted 08-18-2009 at 05:39 PM by Spirrow
Self-explanatory. The kid actually said most over an XB Live play. Not sure if there's sound with this. Sorry

Also some jerk forgot my spawnday a month ago.

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Terror is not Terrific!

Posted 11-03-2008 at 04:22 PM by Spirrow
Updated 11-03-2008 at 04:25 PM by Spirrow
I said this before and I'll tell it again.

It was all the news. Some Guys A.K.A Kids and their father were Halloweening whenever Halloween was and as they approached one house, some guy with a AK-47 (probably a druggie) started gunning them down because they were wearing masks and he probably thought they were gangbangers toting grendes (right). Noone survived. I think the guy shot himself.

At first glance you could laugh you ass off at this, but people died that night....
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Damn rules...

Posted 09-30-2008 at 03:10 PM by Spirrow
(personal notes from the gut)
After living in the lawless world of the internet, to arrive back on OWF to find it still civilized was hell. But, ah, the day when we finally crush Peter and rule this forum each with our
own little territories. Now that would be bliss. And we could still make Peter pay for the upgrades.

So, as it starts. The Revolution. For now I'll start out as a as a lame member. But with time Peter will come to trust me, and one day when his back...
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Critical Opinions...

Posted 09-03-2007 at 02:40 PM by Spirrow
I can't stand this blog. Everybody acts like robots that are programmed to spam constantly. It's like this is some kind of vacation or break away from the harsh rules of the real forum.

And while Peter hasn't released the 'policies' and 'rules' for the blog, everybody seems to be taking advantage of the ability to be free and do whatever they want here.
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OMFG! About time!

Posted 08-31-2007 at 05:17 AM by Spirrow
Updated 09-01-2007 at 01:03 PM by Spirrow
Oh, yes..About time Peter did something new that can actually be used by normal members rather than sitting in the background like a dominant male lion looking over his pride. Indeed, GO PETER!
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