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Big Blog Fridays #6 - Peculiar Pronunciations

Posted 03-03-2017 at 07:24 AM by TheManFromMudos
Updated 03-03-2017 at 07:27 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hello everybody, I am TheManFromMudos, and I'm back again with another of Friday's Big Blogs. Now today, I'd like to talk to you, believe it or not, about the mis-pronunciation of some words within the Oddworld universe. The example I'm going to use is the word 'Mudokon', as I believe it's probably the most difficult word for non-Oddworld fans to pronounce on first sight.

Now, as you will likely already know, the word 'Mudokon' is usually pronounced as either 'Muh-dock-un' or 'Moo-dock-un'...
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Big Blog Fridays #5 - Shocking Similarities

Posted 02-24-2017 at 12:56 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi everyone, it's TheManFromMudos here, and it's time for another Big Blog Friday. Now, as I'm sure you're all aware, Oddworld Inhabitants are not one to shy away from controversial topics. Consumerism, slavery, animal testing. Throughout the Oddworld series, the crazy planet of Oddworld frequently draws parallels with the real world. However, today I want to talk about something diferrent. I want to talk about the parallels that Oddworld draws with other science fiction franchises.

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Big Blog Fridays #4 - A Mud's Life

Posted 02-17-2017 at 07:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi guys, it's TheManFromMudos, here again with another installment of 'Big Blog Fridays'. Thanks for all the feedback on last weeks' blog. I'm always happy to here your thoughts on each topic. This week, though, I thought we should talk about Mudokons. As you all know, the Mudokons are an opressed people in Mudos, stepped on by their former Glukkon pals and their new industrialist lackies. Fortunately, though, some Muds are lucky enough to hold on to their freedom, living far away from the noise...
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Big Blog Fridays #3 - Three-Legged Freaks

Posted 02-10-2017 at 07:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi guys, it's TheManFromMudos here, and this week I'd like to talk about something which has been clearly hinted at in Oddworld Inhabitants' latest teaser image. Yes, it is the possibility of Vykkers featuring in Oddworld: Soulstorm. Now, whether you liked Munch's Oddysee or not, you can't deny that the new creatures it gave us (particularly Vykkers and Interns) were an insightful addition to the franchise. In fact, alongside Glukkons and Paramites, the Vykkers are definitely a contender for my...
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Big Blog Fridays #2 - Dubs Vs. Subs

Posted 02-03-2017 at 07:16 AM by TheManFromMudos
Hi, everyone, it's TheManFromMudos here, and today I want to talk a little bit about how video games are translated overseas. As you may be able to tell from the 'Ashbridge Industries' logo in my signature, I am currently learning Japanese (Don't even think about calling me a weeaboo, I've never watched an anime in my life). The real reason I am learning Japanese is because I hope to one day live and work in Japan as a game developer (because where better for a game developer to go than the home...
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My First Week on Oddworld Forums

Posted 01-27-2017 at 07:49 AM by TheManFromMudos
Well, it's been about a week since I first joined the Oddworld Forums, and despite what many may believe, I won't be making a hasty retreat as soon as the whole SoulStorm hype has died down. Because this week has been brilliant. In just seven days, I've spent more time thinking about Oddworld than I've ever done before. I've talked about some of the burning questions I've been dying to ask. I've contributed (albeit only a little) to the chat surrounding the ARG. And, as you can see from my current...
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