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the end of 2010

Posted 12-31-2010 at 07:59 AM by abe619
and yet another year goes by....this one was filled with a lot of stuff and events, happy and sad, good and bad...but in the end humanity survived another year without facing "the apocalypse"...

here is the conclusion of my life in 2010:
had a fight with my friend.
same friend apologized for me soon after.
dad became really sick.
met a friend online who would later become my girlfriend for a short while.
father died shortly before the final exams....
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how do i escape this...?

Posted 12-17-2010 at 12:50 PM by abe619
well as u all know, i broke with my first gf so far...and now i am back to loving that girl i used to love at school after i broke up with my so called "online gf", and this time i won't try to escape the fact that i love her by lying to myself telling myself that i love completely different girl who i never even met in real life...infact i won't even try to escape that fact but what i am trying to is escape this feeling of deadly depression because of the fact that she doesn't love me nor does...
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Posted 12-10-2010 at 12:35 PM by abe619
Updated 12-10-2010 at 01:18 PM by abe619
...HELL YEAH, and i FUCKIN' LOVE IT!!!!!!

why am i considered metallica-holic?
cuz my day isn't complete without me listening to them....

I have EVERY SINGLE ALBUM EVER RELEASED, 2 SINGLES ("I Disappear", and "Whiskey In The Jar"),
2 Live Albums ("S&M" with the San Fransisco Symphony, and "Live Shit: Binge And Purge")
a video compilation containing every single video from 1989-2004, 3 Live concerts/shows ("Live Shit: Binge And Purge...
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Feelin Weird

Posted 11-23-2010 at 04:16 AM by abe619
so, turns out my "GF" had lied to me about: her name, her age and the pic she sent me wasn't of her...
she turned out to be black, 12 year old, that according to her looks like a 15/16 year old and is very mature (i agree with her on the last one) and she says the only reason she didn't send me more pics that i she didn't want me to know who she was before she told me...she says she lied about all that for security reasons....but also she says she really loves me and even if our relationship...
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Son Of a......

Posted 11-19-2010 at 08:23 PM by abe619
some mod put an invalid link in the latest topic area next to "general disscussion".
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Net connection finally good again

Posted 11-17-2010 at 04:38 AM by abe619
Dat's rite, my connection is finally good again....512 kbps...
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Posted 10-26-2010 at 12:07 PM by abe619
so beaten Dragon Age Origins finally.....
and by "beaten" i mean that i've beaten:
Dragon Age Origins
Dragon Age Origins: Awakening
Dragon Age Origins: Leliana's Song
Dragon Age Origins: Witch Hunt
Dragon Age Origins: Darkspawn Chronicles
with Warden's Keep
Return To Ostagar
and Stone Prisoner
So should I get Golems Of (whatever it's called) DLC?
is it Canon?
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Posted 10-10-2010 at 04:56 AM by abe619
i just realised (and i don't know y i took me 9 yrs) that some dude in my class has tourettes.(sry for spelling)
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Madly in love with her

Posted 09-28-2010 at 06:20 AM by abe619
that's right me and her are still together, we did fight a few times and we did break up a few times for a few hours, but in the end we always get back together......

I love her...
she is simply perfect...
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