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It's difficult!

Posted 04-12-2011 at 08:12 AM by Jordan
Seeing as I haven't had a breakup in about 4-5 years, and from a real relationship at that, I never knew how hard it was. Um... it's not usually like me to moan about "life being hard" and shit, seeing as I usually genuinely enjoy life. Gah... I can't really find a way to express how much things are getting to me, plus I've got exams coming up in May, on top of everythang. Apologies for the morbid blog, I just needed to write something to make myself feel better. Ciao.
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Posted 03-19-2011 at 03:06 PM by Jordan
They're hard. I take everything I ever said about people needing to get over people they think they love. It's fucking awful.
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Posted 02-28-2011 at 07:52 AM by Jordan
Apparently I'm a Screaming Bender. Whoever did this to me, I love them. And tell me when it was changed, because I just noticed too.
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A wee announcement

Posted 01-26-2011 at 03:06 AM by Jordan
Okay so I like men... do I truly belong to this forum now?
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Posted 07-02-2010 at 08:17 AM by Jordan
I'm going to prom. See ya, ciao, aufwiedersen (sp?) hasta luego (sp?).

Pointless blog is pointless.
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Merry fucking Christmas.

Posted 12-21-2009 at 03:44 PM by Jordan
I just tried turning my 360 on to play a DVD, and I've got fucking RroD. It wouldn't fucking bother me as much if it wasn't THREE days before Christmas. I put several 360 games on my list, so now they're fucking useless until I can get a new console/repaired one. That will take a few weeks. I'm just glad I put games for other consoles down. I am so fucking mad right now.
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At this particular moment...

Posted 06-11-2009 at 02:39 PM by Jordan
This forum is full of fags. That is all.
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I will never eat a fucking Oreo again.

Posted 04-01-2009 at 08:57 AM by Jordan
Okay, so at break my friend Emma had this pack of Oreos. She gave me one and her friend Lucy one. I ate it, and it tastes like fucking mint and was really soggy. Cuz it tasted like Oreo I still ate it anyway. Then Lucy was like, "Hey, I don't want mine, you have it Jordan." Me, being a dumbass took it and ate that one too. I finally decided they were disgusting, and asked Emma why the hell it tasted like mint and felt like it had been out of date for a couple of years. She said she wouldn't tell...
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I'm so freaking angry, and a little amused.

Posted 01-18-2009 at 03:21 AM by Jordan
Updated 01-18-2009 at 03:53 AM by Jordan
I was supposed to get Fable 2 for Christmas, but I didn't. It wasn't that I'm so annoyed at. I decided I wanted to order it off the internet with the £25 I got for Christmas. I see it on for exactly that price. But we couldn't get the money into PayPal for another week or so. Then when we finally do, we manage to order it from for £25. Then, a week later they tell us it wasn't in stock... So they couldn't post it. As soon as they do this, I find a seller on eBay and buy it off...
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My old posts anger me.

Posted 01-08-2009 at 02:26 PM by Jordan
See title. I've been looking at my old threads to show my friend what I used to type like, and I'm pretty annoyed at myself for being so childish. What the hell must you guys have been thinking of me at the time?
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