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The Hobbit soundtrack

Posted 11-13-2012 at 11:40 AM by Sekto Springs
So, like any self-respecting nerd should be, I'm a huge fan of Howard Shore's LOTR soundtracks. Recently, Empire provided the entire, unabridged Hobbit score available through an embedded widget.

The widget doesn't allow you to listen to individual tracks, only the whole soundtrack. It's pretty damn magical.

Listen here. Or don't. I don't care.

I was going to try and embed just the widget so I looked super cool, but I couldn't figure it out.
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Boxcar Blues

Posted 10-28-2012 at 08:39 PM by Sekto Springs
So come November 17th I may or may not be homeless. And I don't mean just "without a home". I mean living out of a car, selling off everything I own, disconnected from society homeless.

The shortest version I'm willing to provide is that the recession has hit us pretty hard and we've pretty much exhausted all other potential sources of income.

So yeah, I may not be on here for a while, or ever again. We'll see.
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Those days where you just wanna die.

Posted 10-05-2012 at 11:37 AM by Sekto Springs
Today is one of them.
I know exactly why too, but I don't know if I have the scrotum to admit it to you bastards.

I know I won't do it, so this blog is pointless. Then again, so are all blogs. I'm too much of a chicken shit, and I have this enduring delusion of grandeur that I'll somehow make something of myself despite not going to college or having a good job. Not to mention, I'm just too rational to do it. A permanent solution to a temporary problem. No good.
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No more Mr. Nice Nye

Posted 08-30-2012 at 12:33 PM by Sekto Springs
Bill Nye goes epic apeshit on Todd Akin for being "fucking retarded".

I'm glad Bill Nye is as cool in real life as he was on TV.
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To anyone who uses Reddit

Posted 07-16-2012 at 08:26 AM by Sekto Springs
Upboat mah shit since I know none of you are going to donate.

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Go here

Posted 07-09-2012 at 07:39 PM by Sekto Springs
What the title says.

Since I know none of you visit Fan Corner, let alone the Non-Oddworld part.
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Dropping like flies - addendum

Posted 07-05-2012 at 10:19 PM by Sekto Springs

Tonight, my dog and best friend Pico, was put to sleep after two days of suffering the side-effects of advanced spleen cancer. He was more than just a friend, he was my brother, an invaluable member of my immediate family. Words cannot describe how much I will miss him, and I am sick from crying so much.

This will be the third major loss of family in under a year. My uncle, my granddad, and now...
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Hey Nate

Posted 06-26-2012 at 08:12 PM by Sekto Springs
Please don't make a Chuck Norris joke ever, even as an anti-joke, just please don't, this meme is just so terrible and never mention anything about Chuck Norris ever and just don't, man or you'll come off as a complete tool who is late to the party because this disease rampaged the internet for years and it's finally dead and let's just please keep it that way
I know you're gay, but that's no excuse to be full of AIDS.
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Dropping like flies

Posted 06-11-2012 at 02:16 PM by Sekto Springs
I don't talk about my personal life on here that much, but lately I've been a little shaken up over a plague of death and illness that seems to have befallen my family.

In the span of the last year, three of my close relatives have been diagnosed with cancer, stage three or higher. My aunt got ovarian cancer in the fall of last year. Thankfully, she caught it in time to go through chemo, and the doctors say her prognosis looks good.

The same cannot be said of my uncle,...
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