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From nothing to Something

Posted 11-11-2013 at 03:12 PM by Scrabaniac
Basically to tell the story;

I have grown up in quite a sheltered life, very contained from the outside world. It was a horrible lifestyle to live in, and at the age of 12 I was pretty much forced into work. Not necessarily by the force of my parents, but by the force of wanting to one day leave it all behind and finally get out there. Well the other day I got an offer which I cannot refuse! I have been studying a 'Management in Hospitality' course at college for the past two years...
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My First Tattoo

Posted 03-10-2013 at 08:57 AM by Scrabaniac
]So I turned 18 a few days ago and for a very very very long time, I have wanted a tattoo that not only is a tribute to my favourite games company, but a symbol that has bonded me and my father for 15 years. Oddworld inhabitants has inspired me throughout my whole life and I dedicate my very first tattoo to them.

The tattoo is a tribal version of the Oddworld Inhabitants logo, which I have seen a few ones online, but I have redesigned it to make it unique and the best part about...
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My PC is dying!! Help!

Posted 01-06-2013 at 11:43 AM by Scrabaniac
I have just about had enough of this piece of crap PC. It has given me nothing but grief for the past few years. The only thing it has been perfect with is for sorting out and destroying viruses/trojans.

All of a sudden i get this popup saying that a threat has been detected called
Win32:FastSaveApp. So i destroy the file and it just pops up again, every single time. and every time it pops up, it corrups my files so i can't access coursework etc. Anyone have any ideas of...
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Revenge is sweet.

Posted 10-01-2012 at 10:13 AM by Scrabaniac
A while ago i posted to my blog about an ex best friend who turned against me. It turns out that he has told everyone i know about my sex life. He has told my ex girlfriend to get tested for chlamydia and gonnhorrea which i do not have and never have had. Now everyone knows that i have slept with so many people AND cheating on my current girlfriend with another girl which i would NEVER do. So he will wake up one morning this week to a smashed up car, not sure. But i got to make my revenge sweet....
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Urgent and need advice!

Posted 06-12-2012 at 12:15 PM by Scrabaniac
2 months ago i lost my best friend because he was practically using me. Ever since i told him to back off from me he's gone hysterical, he trapped my friends in his car whilst driving AND drinking at the same time, he speeds and has crashed his car once already. He brings alcohol into college to make friends and he drives home intoxicated, my friend who is now his new best friend was in his car when he was drinking and sped past a police station. My friend wont contact police or anything because...
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Quite an accomplishment!

Posted 06-10-2012 at 09:36 AM by Scrabaniac
So over the past 6 months, i have been saving my tips from work, and this evening i have decided to count them as i have nothing else to do. Turns out i have saved £75 in 5p coins and £113 in 20p and 10p coins! I would have counted the 50ps and £1/£2 coins but i spend them daily. Not sure whether i should keep saving until i reach 12 months. Just thought i'd share this with you all
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Where these girls at?

Posted 06-06-2012 at 08:50 AM by Scrabaniac
Every day I read through the oddworld forum threads, yet I see no females posting anything at all, I'm not a pervert looking for someone online as I am already in a relationship, it just seems like a bit of a sausage fest here..
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Posted 05-10-2012 at 11:13 AM by Scrabaniac
I would say i am kind of new to the forum experience, could someone possibly explain what 'rep power' is and what is meant by the term 'zappfly' under my name and the colour of the OWI symbol? Anything else you guys would like to tell me would be much appreciated, thanks
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