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Brb Spain

Posted 08-08-2008 at 06:28 AM by Wings of Fire
Going to Majorca for a fortnight, not too happy as I'll have to phone up my school to get my A level results next Thursday and then PRAY TO GOD it isn't too late to sort out all my uni shit when I get back.

Heres for fourteen days of sun sand and seafood! And being horribly horribly bored all the time D=.

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Whiny little bitch with an axe to grind.

Posted 07-24-2008 at 10:44 AM by Wings of Fire
At the moment I am literally doubled over with laughter, this is because some guy who apparently hates me on WOW created an account on my guilds little crappy forum, flooded it with loads of crap about me being a dipshit and destroying the guild and repeatedly posting a shopped old photo of me they found on that forum in the style of the 'Bitches don't know' meme, photo can be found here although I warn you, the sheer excellence of his photoshopping skills might burn your eyes.

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I've just about had it with /b/.

Posted 06-04-2008 at 01:40 PM by Wings of Fire

Her artwork may have been nothing special, her character may have been the biggest clichéd Mary Sue since God Empress of the Universe Marrissa Amber Flores Picard but she sure as hell didn't deserve to have her account raped by some lulzhappy little keyboard gangster.

Raids against institutions like Scientology and Fox News? All for it.

Random phone call spammage on hapless gamestore clerks asking for battletoads? Why not.

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Posted 05-23-2008 at 07:10 AM by Wings of Fire
It's done, it's over. The so called happiest days of my life have gone, I had my very last day of school ever today.

Now for three months of being a total housebum (after the exams are finished of course) and then it's off to Scotland where I shall be living for the next four years to try and get my Masters in Psychology.

School for me was a sack of shit, to put it bluntly, 13 years of institutionalized hell to try and train me into a little capitalist soldier, but...
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Arguing for dummies.

Posted 05-16-2008 at 06:40 PM by Wings of Fire
Hallo thar! I have a wonderful Critical Thinking A level exam on Monday and have heard it said that you remember 90% of what you teach other people so I thought I'd do some charity work for you good people and teach some of you how to argue properly.

Warning, epic tl;dr will ensure.

Critical reasoning for dummies.
Step one: Structure

The critical definition of an argument is a conclusion supported by one or more reason, obviously one reason makes...
Posted in OWI stuffz
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I has a new profile picture!

Posted 05-13-2008 at 11:38 AM by Wings of Fire
Anyone who can tell me what it is and where its from gets +rep.

Anyone who gives half an answer gets -rep.
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The forgotten hour.

Posted 05-10-2008 at 07:50 PM by Wings of Fire
Ever notice how some things seem a little...different at 5am?

How little bumps and creaks seem to be slightly...louder?

How the chavs outside your window seem a little more...menacing?

How the way the world works seems a little...simpler?

How ideas you would never consider in a million years suddenly seems like a fantastic solution?

For the last year I have been, rather unhealthily, going to bed at the very late hour of dawn...
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Posted 04-14-2008 at 12:34 PM by Wings of Fire
Norton didn't find anything, PREVX2.0 didn't find anything but after checking my srsly ill computer with Uniblue it appears I have no less than three hundred and fifty viruses on my computer, no I haven't been indulging in porn and I very rarely visit any site which is not this, youtube, wowwiki or wikipedia. I don't care how it got there all I want advice on is how I can get it off.

PS: I am broke and probably will be for a long time so no 'LOL BUY A NEW VIRUS SCANNER RETARD' plz....
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For the immediate attention of everyone who wonders why nobody posts to your blog.

Posted 04-04-2008 at 06:54 AM by Wings of Fire
You may have your settings so only people on your friends list can .

Of course if you lot already knew this then I epic fail.
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All about me.

Posted 03-07-2008 at 04:44 AM by Wings of Fire
Right I was getting bored with the fact that there hasn't been any blogs in the last week or so so I decided to write my own what to write about.

Firstly I am plenty happy because I got the results for my January exams yesterday and bloody hell I did well.

AS Psychology module 2 retake: A

A2 Critical Thinking module 4: A

A2 General Studies modules 4-6: CAA (The second A I got 120/120 on ).

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