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Re: Necrum Theme

Posted 01-23-2011 at 05:43 AM by STM
Hey all,
An OWF related blog post today.

So I begin making the Necrum theme for you all today. I suppose we can say it begins officially since I am half way through making the title decal.

Would you like me to post future updates? If so where? Here or in the fan corner/ off topic discussion.

At some point I might ask some good people it beta test images and things, basically to see if each decal/image/doodad is up to OWF scratch.
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Posted 01-20-2011 at 09:37 AM by STM
Now with 50% less spam!

D'yall miss me? What've I missed?
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What makes a good story?

Posted 01-12-2011 at 01:34 PM by STM
So basically I'm writing a novelette/short story that might be submitted in a series of unrelated books by an independent publisher, the book will be released probably on kindle but paperback copies may also become available. All this is free for me to do and the intention is that a few amateur writers will gain a little fame (if you can call it that) and perhaps a little bit of income for a while.

So I am entering the competition with a dystopian story about a man...
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Piss drunk

Posted 01-09-2011 at 03:49 AM by STM
Hey all,
Ok so last night I got drunk, I think I had about 6-8 units in the space of about 4-5 hours and I also had a cigar. Normally I wouldn't do this but it was a friends birthday and I thought why not.

I don't have a hangover or anything, I feel fine, just tired from lack of sleep but I also have a sort of stomach pain like when you feel blocked up.

To be honest I don't drink much and this is only the third time I've been pissed but I was wondering...
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2010 - 2020

Posted 01-02-2011 at 04:48 PM by STM
What will this decade have in store for you?

For me I can map the deciding years of what will mould the rest of my life, I'm talking ten years that will alter the next 60+ if I am so blessed as to live that long.

I can pretty much sum it up if things go well and how I want them too.

2011 - I finish year 11

2013 - I finish my final year of sixth form

2014 - I begin University and leave house as a young adult, I have grown...
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Some cuntlicks

Posted 12-31-2010 at 07:22 AM by STM
Yesterday it was still cold enough for me to go to the massive lake nearby and go walkees on it with a couple of girls, we got their and there was this old bloke already on there with his kids who must've been about 7. Anywho we all go on but wouldn't you know a couple of chavs ride up on their bikes, these guys are like in their 20s or something but they all start swearing at the bloke with his kids telling him that his kids are going to drown when the ice breaks and that they won't lift a finger...
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Dawn of War II: give away

Posted 12-29-2010 at 04:34 AM by STM
Hello y'all,
Today I come baring gifts, I recently brought the DoW Chaos Rising add on by STEAM but I already have a copy of the first Dawn of War II so I'm giving away my spare copy as a late Christmas present to however wants it.

So if your interested in a free game valued at something like £13.99 just post below. If there's more than one person who wants the copy I'll assign you numbers and pick from an online number selector.

For those of you...
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What you didn't think I was serious? a sermon:

Posted 12-23-2010 at 03:55 PM by STM
Updated 01-29-2013 at 01:53 PM by STM
Ugh, the younger me makes the modern me sick.
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It's time to party.

Posted 12-17-2010 at 10:31 AM by STM
Updated 07-03-2011 at 03:46 AM by STM
Yeh, it's time to party because I will be at almost zero activity for a while, for a couple of reasons to do with family, the snow and personal shit.

I just thought I'd announce it so you can: wonder why one of the best people on the forums has stopped posting/ party like you have partied never before because that annoying little shit has gone.

=) Cya round folks!
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Posted 12-13-2010 at 11:29 AM by STM
Updated 07-03-2011 at 03:48 AM by STM
Is anyone in the christmassy spirit yet? Personally I'm not, it's the 13th, the only decoration up is my Christmas calender, It's cold and manky but not snowing enough for me to miss school/work. And it stopped being as cool when I stopped believing in Santa, it was more fun right?
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