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This Is Serious!

It may, in fact, make you delirious.

Last Warning

Posted 02-05-2009 at 11:44 AM by OANST
If people don't start posting, I am going to bring back the 'Stupid Answers' thread. I swear to god, I'll do it. I need to keep entertained somehow.
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Harvest Time 4

Posted 02-05-2009 at 06:38 AM by OANST
Ladies and Gentleman, we have reached the end game.

Front Cover

First Page
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Harvest Time 3

Posted 02-03-2009 at 06:37 AM by OANST
Here there be


1st Page
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Harvest Time 2

Posted 02-02-2009 at 05:53 AM by OANST
Here is the cover and the first page.


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Harvest Time

Posted 01-31-2009 at 07:38 AM by OANST
Some ignorant shit that my woman knows gave a bunch of small, rather shitty books to my daughter. The thing is, they are unintentionally hilarious. The best one is called 'Harvest Time', and I am going to scan it in here at the rate of a page a day. It really is just the most awesome thing ever.

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The Gnawing Demon Returns

Posted 01-31-2009 at 06:34 AM by OANST
My gout is back. My toes are once again purple and bulbous. Good lord, it hurts.
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Crazy People That Happen To Me IV

Posted 01-30-2009 at 09:26 AM by OANST
Updated 01-30-2009 at 09:29 AM by OANST
When I was 18 (about 9 years ago) I worked the midnight shift at a 7/11. For those who aren't familiar, this is a kind of all night party store. I worked at one that sold liquor but the majority do not.

There was this bum who would come in a few times a week and hang out for about a half an hour at a time. It was the middle of an extremely cold winter so I didn't try to get rid of him or anything. He seemed fairly harmless. But one night he comes in and purchases a fifth of vodka...
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We Could So Easily Have An ED Article

Posted 01-29-2009 at 10:09 AM by OANST

Check it for similarities. Their meme guy even looks a bit like Kastere!
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If You Motherfuckers IP Ban Me One More Time......

Posted 01-28-2009 at 01:46 PM by OANST
.....I'll cry. Alright, I know it sucks but we are just going to have to accept that I have the same ip address as MeechShrykull1029. He'll run out of email addresses and stop creating multis at some point but fuck guys. Please stop banning the ip. I'm beginning to think that you don't care.
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Crazy People That Happen To Me III

Posted 01-28-2009 at 09:35 AM by OANST
About eight years ago, I was a manager at a pizza place by the name of Papa John's. While working there we had a delivery driver who had been a football (American version) player and who had actually been on a major team (The Lions). He didn't ever play but was one of the stand-ins. You know, just in case every other player on the team was injured or some such thing.

Anyhow, he was a bit off. It may have been that he had been hit a few too many times or he could have just been born...
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