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It seems we all have facebook

Posted 04-04-2011 at 11:49 AM by STM
Updated 01-04-2018 at 10:53 AM by STM
So y'all add me y'hear!


OMG what have I done?

On a side note is Amnesia: The Dark Descent worth buying?

Oh and also it was my birthday on the 29th! Yey! Now it's get an invalid carriage.
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The death of an Empire

Posted 03-24-2011 at 11:36 AM by STM
I know I have written a blog in close proximity to this one but I have to write this rant so that I don't commit hari kiri. Also I am going to write it like a story because it is that bad, it deserved a poetic close.

I make my way up the my colony fresh in mind a unusually happy. A cold chill blows as the easterly wind flaps at the mesh covering my face from the calculating attacks of my bees. Past the remains of the old orchard and behind the shed are two bastions against the rain,...
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My RPG game part the second.

Posted 03-21-2011 at 11:06 AM by STM
Well my last blog was about my amazing splendiferous game I was making and I have sort of decided upon a medium. An interactive novel with elements of RPG and dungeon crawling. So I have to create a gaming system before I do the story line.

But I have a few good ones, so which do you think is best?

+ Post apocalyptic fiction
+ Futuristic gang warfare
+ Steampunk/ fantasy

Maybe I'll just splurge them all together? What...
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Allow me to hold you attention for two minutes more: I need your opinion.

Posted 03-08-2011 at 12:57 PM by STM
Sorry for posting two blogs in rapid succession but I want to gauge your opinions on something, perhaps this isn't the correct forum (rofum?) to be asking since this isn't an RPG forum but meh.

Ok, I have a fantastic idea, and some preliminary sketches for a game but I am hung. You see I have this fantastic world, I built up from scratch, most minor details are covered and the fluff I feel is up to grade. So all this goes into what?

A card game sort similar to Magic...
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I now have a cat.

Posted 03-06-2011 at 08:23 AM by STM
That is all. Resume Working.
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A blog you might want to ignore...

Posted 02-19-2011 at 04:08 PM by STM
Updated 02-22-2011 at 09:59 AM by STM
The blog below may contain some sensitive material, about well...penis. I gotta ask because it's driving me nuts but I don't want to ask my parents or friends because this is an odd why not ask a bunch of randomers who already think as low as possible at me if they like...anyway, I'm putting spoiler tags round this so you don't have to see goes.

(please don't take the piss as well because it took me courage to ask and I don't think I could stomach coming here...
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The art of happiness

Posted 02-15-2011 at 09:03 AM by STM
Can anyone tell me how to be happy? I can't remember the last time I was truly happy, not like, a five minute laugh because of a joke, I mean, care free happy. I don't have to worry about the pikeys who raided my aunts house after they realised she died. I don't have to worry about the probability I'll end up with a shit job because my school has just fucked me up the arse with new A level selection options. Even the little things get me so angry now, like youtube not working...
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Ingrown Nails

Posted 02-12-2011 at 07:28 AM by STM
I wouldn't normally post two blogs in such quick succession but I have a problem that I don't want a doctors opinion on.

I have two ingrown toe nails and they were excreting discharge last night, I think it might have been pus, I tried bathing them today but I can't get cotton threads underneath to relieve the nail and send it on a correct growth path. I am terrified of podiatrists and was wondering if anyone knows a remedy for the problem. Maybe I need to try...
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Fight for the Quad?

Posted 02-10-2011 at 09:42 AM by STM
Looks like shit's hit the fan for me. Due to a complex number of events, I found myself squaring up to this apparenlty,
'fucking hard, hard as rock, Rocky fucking Balboa'
, and while my mates backed me up sufficiently at school. It appears that by refusing to fight him, making him look like a prat in front of his 'honeys' and generally taking the piss. He's going to get me. Now, him, I'm not scared of, he lives up my road and hangs out with people who look about 10 but his friends are part of a gang...
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Posted 01-29-2011 at 03:40 AM by STM
My Aunty has just died. I won't be doing the theme for a while. Probably won't be here for a while as well.

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