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5000 posts.

Posted 09-17-2011 at 08:27 AM by STM
And I'm still here, I pictured this as a more momentous occasion for some reason.

So here's to three years and five thousand posts. I love you all, here's to the next five thousand.
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Just a quick technical question.

Posted 09-04-2011 at 12:19 PM by STM
I've googled this but can't find an answer, is it dangerous to delete your first ever computer back up, only it's about 500 gb whereas everything else is only about 20 gb...seems like deleting it mike take a whack out of my memory or something...only problem is I keep running out of memory all that time and it's a pain to select which other months I want to delete instead.
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GCSE results!

Posted 08-25-2011 at 01:13 AM by STM
Welp, I got them today and I did better than I anticipated.

History: B
Spanish: D
English Language: A (coursework A)
English Literature: C (coursework B)
Mathematics: B
Biology: C
Chemistry: C
Physics: C
Business Studies: C

So the only subject I failed is spanish and who gives a flying fuck, to be honest there's something up with the teaching when there's about a 50% fail rate with languages in our school. Also...
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Piece of shit rioters in Tottenham

Posted 08-08-2011 at 10:06 AM by STM
Day two of rioting in the London area and it's pissing me off, all this ruckus because one wannabe gangster was removed by some poor policeman. The prick deserved to get shot. Now there are fires, looting...LOOTING, in our capital city! A year before we host the most prestigious sporting event in the world. This isn't some third world country where looting is a means of survival or is common in the wake of mass war, this is England...I saw a column of armoured riot police van's today, I hope they...
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Work has begun.

Posted 07-26-2011 at 10:28 AM by STM
So I had my first day of work today, the fantastic man that is my Dad took me in and he said he intends to for the whole job if he can because it saves money and also...he says London be a dangerous place. So I was up at 6 am this morning after a fitful night of sleep. And we were down in London by 7.30 ish. The first site, and where I met my boss, was in Stepney Green near where the Kray Twins hung about.

Whenever I go into London it always makes me remember how much of a townie...
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I got a job (continued)

Posted 07-20-2011 at 04:48 AM by STM
Well, I just realised that if I work normal hours at minimum wage for the majority of my last and longest school holiday ever...I'll be making under £1000, so I got that wrong. And I looked at a random train ticket fair to a platform in central London, so only about 10 miles away if that. It costs £13!! I think I had a heart attack. And why the fuck do I have to pay for an adult ticket? I'm 16 not 18, I can't vote, I can't buy M games, worst of all I can't order my own alcohol yet.
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I got a job

Posted 07-12-2011 at 07:45 AM by STM
I have a job working at a building site now. My dad arranged it which was good of him and it's my first one. I'm a little apprehensive but I'm also really looking forward to it. I think it's minimum wage but that's better than nothing and I worked out I'll probably come out with over a grand by the time I finish in September! That's more money than I know what to do with, so I'll put it away and then get a motorbike next year, yey!!
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No wait nevermind.

Posted 07-04-2011 at 08:49 AM by STM
Updated 07-04-2011 at 09:28 AM by STM
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I have irritable bowels.

Posted 06-23-2011 at 10:13 AM by STM
Updated 07-03-2011 at 03:42 AM by STM
Fucking theme parks and shitty burgers.

That is all.

This blog is rated 3 on the DEFCONN scale for shit blogs.
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Three Years Mutha-Fudgazzzz

Posted 06-20-2011 at 04:48 AM by STM
Updated 07-03-2011 at 03:44 AM by STM
Three years have gone by now. I wanted to link my first ever post but who knows where it is...if anyone can find it I will sex them.

You can all leave your comments on how awesome it is to have me around below! I can't wait to feel the love.
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