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Public Message to Hobo and Max

Posted 01-10-2010 at 06:50 PM by Nate
Do you really think you're funny? I think you guys have lost your touch. That move was just a tad... unsubtle.
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Nate was nice to all of you

Posted 01-07-2010 at 04:40 PM by Nate
A recent discussion in EL centred on the topic of Youtube Poop. Pretty much everyone agreed that a rule should be instituted naming it spam.

I disagreed. I believe that everyone should be able to post as much poop as they like. Except that from this day forward, I will be negrepping any poop post I see. With the obvious exception of Used:) Karl Baryshakof poop.

Aren't I nice?
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Why Was Everyone Jumping For Joy?

Posted 01-05-2010 at 05:07 PM by Nate
Because Joy was stuck to the ceiling.
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Crisis Averted

Posted 01-02-2010 at 11:17 PM by Nate
Our glorious leader has been found. Apparently he had somehow made his way to Queensland in a drunken haze. He's been picked up, cleaned off and is slowly making his way back. He should be back and posting in no time.
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Our Glorious Leader

Posted 12-31-2009 at 11:03 PM by Nate
Alcar has not logged on since 10:30pm on Christmas day. This is an unusually long time for him.

Please check your local gutters. If you find him, revive with coffee and promises of sex.
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Wawa Wiiwaa

Posted 12-30-2009 at 11:08 PM by Nate
At first I thought this was a prank, but it appears to be a real game in development for the Wii.

Continue reading...
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What would you do? AKA, an internal monologue

Posted 12-22-2009 at 03:28 PM by Nate
"Hmmm... this looks like an interesting website"

"What is that image there? Why, it looks like the cover of a pornographic film"

"Gee, that looks painful. But the man on the cover seems to be enjoying himself"

"I'm not sure that's an entirely hygienic thing to do in a swimming pool.

"He looks strangely familiar"

"Wait a minute... that's Jason, who I used to be friends with back when I was in the USA, except now he's calling...
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The first known tool-using invertebrate

Posted 12-15-2009 at 04:53 PM by Nate

I particularly love the moment at 50 seconds where he's 'walking' with...
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A Public Message to Pilot

Posted 12-14-2009 at 01:43 AM by Nate

Thought you might like.
Also, I wanted to get that 'penis' thing off the blog list.
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For those of y'all who are complaining...

Posted 11-26-2009 at 04:08 PM by Nate

My point was that I chose 'b' for an incredibly long time. That I eventually got jack of it and went for 'c' was so self evident that I figured it didn't need mentioning.
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