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A list

Posted 06-06-2013 at 01:45 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:17 PM by Phylum
Here is a list of all of the things I'm too tired to do right now:
  1. Writing anything substantial (ie not this)
  2. Flute Practice
  3. Composing Music
  4. Arranging Music
  5. Going for walks
  6. Reading
  7. Standing up for more than a few minutes
  8. Playing video games
  9. Sitting up for long periods of time
  10. Singing

Basically, anything other than lying in bed watching mindless TV all day, or browsing the internet. Some of this is a bit exaggerated, like reading. I can read things. I cannot focus...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Everything's Great?

Posted 05-28-2013 at 03:23 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:17 PM by Phylum
I saw my doctor on Monday. Apparently I'm perfectly healthy. Blood tests all came up clear. Even my vitamin D is good, which really made me laugh for some reason. The xray showed a slight rotation in my spine, but that shouldn't be causing me much trouble and probably isn't the source of my back/neck aches. It turns out that they tested me for Lupus, so thankfully that came back negative.

So what does this mean for me? Less sympathy from my teachers and parents.

I still...
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Posted 05-24-2013 at 05:02 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:17 PM by Phylum
I wish.

Basically, the fatigue stuff I blogged about ages ago got worse and worse and worse and eventually I hit breaking point. I spent an entire weekend in bed, then rather than going to a doctor I went back and did a week of school. I don't remember if I mentioned in my last blog, but I hit a point weeks ago where it was getting hard to do homework. In that week I did absolutely nothing. Then, cue last weekend. Again, I crashed out in bed. On Monday, I felt worse, and I finally...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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A blog that isn't about my declining mental health

Posted 05-11-2013 at 04:18 AM by Phylum

So lately I've been really tired. I'm not talking inconvenient tired. I'm talking unable to function tired. I'm talking "I've been awake for less than 12 hours and I'm crashing out" tired. I'm talking only about 5 productive hours in my day tired.

So, I'm currently 2 weeks into my second quarter of my last year of school. Between quarters, we get 2 weeks break. At the end of the first quarter I was in a pretty bad state. It didn't surprise me that I got sick...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Platform games!

Posted 05-02-2013 at 12:28 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:16 PM by Phylum
Ok, so this is a pretty long winded thing. Basically, as part of passing or last year of school in my stupid state we have to complete a subject called Research Project. I'm researching 2D platformers, and I need people to do some tests for me. It will involve downloading some files from various, questionable sources but it shouldn't be too much trouble.

Basically, if you see me on Steam in the next 48 hours and you have about 30 minutes to spare send me a message. If you're on Steam...
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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Posted 03-22-2013 at 04:55 AM by Phylum
Updated 03-22-2013 at 05:03 AM by Phylum
I went out to lunch with some friends today. It was lots of fun. This kind of this is getting more and more common for me. Everything is going well this year. I feel more accepted. I feel like I get along with people better than I ever have.

Now I need to figure out why I still seem to be feeling worse and worse about life.

Also, I think my music is falling apart. The flute feels wrong in my hands right now. In the last week I can no longer get any focus into my sound...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Posted 02-23-2013 at 03:39 AM by Phylum
So my English teacher corrected some commas in a piece of work and I don't completely agree with her. What do you guys think?

Occasionally a street light bled a warm glow into the night, however, mostly these flickered or lay dead.
This one I can live with. I can see why there could be a comma there.

As the man ran in desperation, he found himself drawing closer and closer to the tall building.
I don't see the point of this...
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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4 BC

Posted 01-02-2013 at 04:00 AM by Phylum
Updated 01-15-2014 at 03:16 PM by Phylum
I really like 4 BC. Jesus was born in this year. Long live the King of Kings.
Posted in Crap, Random Crap
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New Years Eve and Insanity

Posted 12-30-2012 at 02:36 AM by Phylum
So it looks lime my parents are going to make me go up to spend NYE at my aunt and uncle's house with them, then staying the night and coming back sometime the next day. For a while they seemed fairly keen on me not going, partly because they'll have more fun without me and partly because they seem to want me to have friends almost as much as I do.

The original plan was for at least one of my similar aged male cousins to be up there. I was fairly close to them for years, but once...
Posted in Crap, Crappy Crap
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Posted 12-23-2012 at 03:43 AM by Phylum
My dad eats too much chocolate. My mum told me the other day that she's going to have to stop buying it, which is annoying for a moocher like me.

We all wish it was just chocolate, really. He eats too much of everything he shouldn't. He had a heart attack a few years ago, coupled with high cholesterol since he was in his 20s. After aforementioned heard attack he was given a very clear recommended dietary list that's very thoroughly ignored.

We eat more that his weekly...
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