
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > Sober in a Drunks' Land

Its my life! Its now or never, I dont wanna live forever... Title says it all really although come to think of it I have no idea where the lyrics are from.

I am a manly man.

Posted 01-18-2009 at 06:15 PM by Wings of Fire
So yeah, this weekend I was hanging out with my Medieval society, and it just happens that a few of the senior members who were quite close to their knighthoods were going for a pass on their combat fitness exam that night (Saturday). The exam consists of briskly striding three and a half miles to uni and three and a half miles back from the CDS's (Chivalric Dream Society) headquarters while wearing a backpack weighing roughly 35 kilos (More than half my weight), this has to be completed within...
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Only a warrior with a clear heart, could have the honour to be kissed by the sun...

Posted 08-23-2008 at 03:34 PM by Wings of Fire
Yes! I am that warrior, I followed my way
Led by the force of cosmic soul I can etc etc...

Disregard the lyrics, I had fun in Majorca (Although I will admit that my stomach was in knots for the first week (Waiting for my results) and my bowels were in knots for the second (Chronic constipation, and the laxatives really did me no favours).

There was none of this 'Five Star Hotel' nonsense, me, my mum and my stepdad stayed in a slightly poky apartment for two weeks,...
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Brb Spain

Posted 08-08-2008 at 06:28 AM by Wings of Fire
Going to Majorca for a fortnight, not too happy as I'll have to phone up my school to get my A level results next Thursday and then PRAY TO GOD it isn't too late to sort out all my uni shit when I get back.

Heres for fourteen days of sun sand and seafood! And being horribly horribly bored all the time D=.

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Whiny little bitch with an axe to grind.

Posted 07-24-2008 at 10:44 AM by Wings of Fire
At the moment I am literally doubled over with laughter, this is because some guy who apparently hates me on WOW created an account on my guilds little crappy forum, flooded it with loads of crap about me being a dipshit and destroying the guild and repeatedly posting a shopped old photo of me they found on that forum in the style of the 'Bitches don't know' meme, photo can be found here although I warn you, the sheer excellence of his photoshopping skills might burn your eyes.

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All about me.

Posted 03-07-2008 at 04:44 AM by Wings of Fire
Right I was getting bored with the fact that there hasn't been any blogs in the last week or so so I decided to write my own what to write about.

Firstly I am plenty happy because I got the results for my January exams yesterday and bloody hell I did well.

AS Psychology module 2 retake: A

A2 Critical Thinking module 4: A

A2 General Studies modules 4-6: CAA (The second A I got 120/120 on ).

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Posted 02-06-2008 at 03:31 AM by Wings of Fire
Dear Mr Doubtfire
Congratulations; University of Portsmouth has asked us to tell you that it is offering you a place for Psychology with Criminology, C8M9; starting in September 2008 at point of entry 1.
The conditions of the offer are:

This offer is subject to you obtaining

300 points from 3x6 unit awards with a minimum of

100 points from A level Psychology


Dear Mr Doubtfire
Congratulations; Lancaster...
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