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Life I write about mah life, mmkeke.

Do monsters dream of mutilated sheep?

Posted 09-13-2010 at 09:20 AM by Nemo
Updated 09-13-2010 at 09:24 AM by Nemo
I might not seem like the type of person for it, but usually when you don't hear from me, I'm working, trying to get some money.

Not that the old man tends to pay me much when he does. He never pays me enough for my work anyways.

I'm trying to get out of here. Out of this fucking town. It was nice when I moved here, but now it's just a festering shit hole. The air smells because of the cow shit and oil fields. There's nothing but crack heads and gang bangers...
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You found a serious blog! It's ultra-rare!

Posted 09-11-2010 at 06:31 AM by Nemo
Sometimes my friends get me to seriously reconsider things that I feel very strongly about. And it ends up making me worry that I'll be wrong about everything I think.

Is it better to pine for a woman, or to cut her out of your life completely?

I'm not really sure about it anymore.
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Thinking about you.

Posted 08-22-2010 at 09:18 PM by Nemo
By you I obviously mean suicide.

Yet another woman in my life.

I met her in a porn chat room. I know what you're thinking, but no. I'm not just lusting after a chick. In fact, my attraction to her hasn't been sexual yet.

Whenever I watched her, it was all I cared about at the moment. I'm happy to just know her. It's made me doubt whether or not I was ever really in love before.

And yet I still feel...
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No, yeah, life's a fucking breeze.

Posted 01-31-2010 at 10:33 PM by Nemo
Just found out my friend got threatened with a knife and sent to the hospital.

If I find out who did this to her, they're going to pay.
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Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.

Posted 08-09-2009 at 10:45 PM by Nemo
I have to tell someone about this. I fear I've been tempted.

/b/... Is a powerful force. One you must not attempt to toy with, especially if you aren't prepared to deal with the consequences of your inevitable failure.

I have looked into the heart of /b/, and I have seen a terrifying malice.

I have seen this unbelievable entity of evil attack a young girl.

She promised tits. Knowing that this would never happen,...
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Am I sitting in a tin can?

Posted 07-23-2009 at 04:45 AM by Nemo
Life is feeling pretty empty now, isn't it?
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God can't talk. Or, why Pascal can sod off.

Posted 03-09-2009 at 10:02 AM by Nemo
Excuse me if this blog post doesn't seem as well thought out as my other ones. I'm a bit tired at the moment.

Either God doesn't exist and I'm right, or it's all a moot point.

If a god does exist, then there is no way in knowing that he exists, short of her coming down to Earth and proving to us all that it is a god.

Even if this happened, there is no real way of knowing that he is being honest. For all we know, she is only perfect...
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Posted 11-12-2008 at 05:05 PM by Nemo
Had a talk with a friend.

"What would you define me as?"

"A person."

"Think deeper than just flesh and blood."

"I don't group people up. No one fits into any particular thing for me. You are You. That should be sufficient enough."

What I define you as shouldn't matter. You are who you know you are.
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Posted 11-03-2008 at 01:12 AM by Nemo

Took a screenshot of an anime, messed with some settings, and ended up making this.
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Man of war

Posted 09-28-2008 at 10:28 AM by Nemo
Here our soldiers stand from all around the world,
waiting in a line to hear the battle cry.
All are gathered here, victory is near,
the sound will fill the hall, bringing power to us all.

We alone are fighting for metal that is true.
We own the right to live the fight, we're here for all of you.
Now swear the blood upon your steel will never dry.
Stand and fight together beneath the battle sky!

Brothers everywhere - raise your
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