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Exam Results and Life Decisions

Posted 07-11-2012 at 10:38 AM by jumper
I've not long completed my second year studying maths at university, and received my results yesterday. And without wanting to go into details, I'm incredibly pleased with them. I'm currently on a first (i.e. 70%+) but now I have to make a fairly big decision, one which I should've made a while ago.

As it stands, I have only one more year left at uni (as an undergraduate at least). However, I have the option to stay on for a fourth year, to complete a masters. Given my results, this...
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A Somewhat Awkward Situation

Posted 09-10-2011 at 03:03 AM by jumper
First, I need to set the scene. Three individuals are involved: myself, my best friend from university and my best female friend from university, and it’s worth noting that we’ll all be living together next year. I’ll normally refer to each of us by pronouns from now on, considering that there’s no real opportunity for confusion. Coincidentally my male friend also comes from Nottingham, which has proved very useful for getting lifts home from university, and has also meant I’ve been able...
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I mentioned cubing before...

Posted 08-18-2011 at 12:49 AM by jumper
I don't know if anyone will see this but... (embedding seems not to work)

Yeah, this is me. I'm currently ranked 2nd in the world for the Square-1 (this puzzle).
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